Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) or Privy Council of the United Kingdom

If Jamaica had a referendum today, on adopting the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) and on becoming a Republic, I would gladly vote YES on both counts. The UK and the British Monarchy to me serves no purpose to our daily lives, it contributes NOTHING to our daily lives. Which is why, I am at a lost as to why we are still the Monarchy of Jamaica and have the Queen to the Right of Jamaica as Head of State. Every now and then one of those useless Royals stop by for a wave, put on a Rasta wig, act the fool and dance around and as a result, some idiots in Jamaica feel privileged for the little Royal attention and I wonder why.

The Commonwealth is a useless and worthless organization. The Commonwealth adds no economic or social value or benefit to our lives and if it did not exist tomorrow nothing would change. YET we dance around these useless colonial institutions as if our lives depend on it. AND I WONDER ...WHY? I am thinking that, after 300 years or slavery and colonization we are properly trained to see ourselves as the white man's burden. Hoping that one day the UK might throw us a bone

It would be one thing if I could see some Social and Economic benefits in keeping the Monarchy and the Commonwealth. If we benefited from this association in some tangible/meaningful way, then I would have grounds to defend the continued association, but we are nothing but a feather in the crown.

The USA have more say in Jamaica then the UK and the Queen and the Chinese money is rebuilding Jamaica. It makes more sense to crown Trump as Emperor and head of state than the Queen of England because when the USA tell us to jump, we jump and jump and jump and jump then bend over and take it.

We are never going to take full responsibility for ourselves because we have been trained to think very little of ourselves due to of 300 years of Colonial Conditioning. So good was the British colonial system at beating the self-worth out of us, so perfect was the brainwashing. For 300 year we were told that we were no-good, useless childlike black people and that we needed the British to take care of us. We were told that to be good and accepted, we needed to be less of who we are and more of who they say we are, who they wanted us to be and every time we change to adopt their ways, to be more like the British, the British move the goalpost. The British colonial system was not a system that helped in the development of human self-worth. That was the last thing the British wanted the people they ruled over to have. They wanted dependency and obedience and for us to see them as our saviour and live for their approval which we will never get!

It is not surprising to me, that we reject everything about us, that we even reject our ability to even govern ourselves. It took 300 years to create this mentality and it will take more than the 56 years since semi-independence to reverse it.


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