Jamaica’s Colonial Minded Media

When it comes to reporting on the UK, all our Local media outlets have failed the Jamaican people. Take Brexit for example, it is amazing how we managed to report on Brexit without highlighting the daily racist hate mongering and hate crimes happening in the UK. Our Local media continue to make the British look civilized and the Jamaican people uncivilized. Our local media and the UK media have no problem reporting on the nasty underbelly of the Jamaican society while selectively reporting on the UK society. I will never understand why our local Jamaican media reports on the United Kingdom the way they do, with blinkers on and very selective trying to shape hearts and minds to become Anglophiles. I know for a fact that if the British media does 10 news reports on the Jamaican society then 9.5 of those 10 reports will be very negative and extremely disgusting. This is regardless of all the good things that maybe happening in Jamaica with good people, doing good work. In fact, af...