Jamaica’s Colonial Minded Media

When it comes to reporting on the UK, all our Local media outlets have failed the Jamaican people. Take Brexit for example, it is amazing how we managed to report on Brexit without highlighting the daily racist hate mongering and hate crimes happening in the UK. Our Local media continue to make the British look civilized and the Jamaican people uncivilized. Our local media and the UK media have no problem reporting on the nasty underbelly of the Jamaican society while selectively reporting on the UK society.

I will never understand why our local Jamaican media reports on the United Kingdom the way they do, with blinkers on and very selective trying to shape hearts and minds to become Anglophiles. I know for a fact that if the British media does 10 news reports on the Jamaican society then 9.5 of those 10 reports will be very negative and extremely disgusting. This is regardless of all the good things that maybe happening in Jamaica with good people, doing good work. In fact, after the British press lands in Jamaica all they do is to search for anything negative and disgusting.

“It is said that the Queen has come to love the Commonwealth, partly because it supplies her with regular cheering crowds of flag-wearing picaninnies.”
Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson

I understand why they do it and I know they know why they do it as well. This is a very colonial thing to do and some old habits they do not want to die. They do it because they love to create the impression that without them, the British, we are nothing but failures. This is done more to make themselves feel good about their murderous empire, trying to prolong the impression that it was a force for good and without them we are nothing.

Jamaica, it seems is still suffering the effects of our Slavery and colonial past. During colonial times the people of the empire was culturally conditioned to worship all things British. Conditioned to only highlight positives things about our white colonial masters and accepting all the negative things about ourselves (Anything too black no too Good). I often wonder why the Jamaican media refuse to highlight the disgusting underbelly of British society and show the Jamaican people just who they really are, instead of this fairy tale view of Empire. Colonialism would not be so successful if the British did not successfully instill in us a feeling of our inferiority and their benevolent superiority.

The fact is, the UK is a hotbed of racism and hate mongering and they pride themselves on it. In 2017/18, there were 94,098 hate crime offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, an increase of 17% compared with the previous year. This continued the upward trend in recent years with the number of hate crimes recorded by the police having more than doubled since 2012/13 (from 42,255 to 94,098 offences; an increase of 123%). Of the total, 71,251 (76%) race hate crimes. This situation is not getting any better, in fact it is getting worse as Brexit-Britain turn up the hate mongering and racism. The British wear their hate like a badge of honour over their hearts from murders, firebombing, beatings and abuse. The Windrush saga for example was NOT an accident, it was by design, carefully crafted Government policy from a Government who is trying to appease the Far-Right Nazis and Fascist who are taking over that country.

I do not even know why we still have this colonial relationship with the UK and why we are not a Republic. It is not like they are giving us anything or helping us. Jamaica's relationship with the UK is not beneficial.

Jamaica and the ex-colonies must fail, so that the British can feel good about themselves. Why do we still have a Monarchy, what purpose does it serve? How does having this British Monarchy with this white English Queen benefit Jamaica in anyway? Jamaica gets NOTHING from the UK, they build nothing and help with almost nothing and spend time pointing out our faults. The Relationship with the UK contributes nothing to the lives of ordinary Jamaicans. So why do we still have this relationship in place and why are so many Jamaicans still pro-British/Mother Country? Slavery and Colonialism have done a proper job on us because how else does one explain why we support this relationship when the relationship that have done nothing but extract wealth, cost us great human suffering and leave us worse off while convincing us that what little we got, is what we deserve and must be grateful for. We must be genetically predisposed to stupidity and self hate.

Socially Engineered Statistic 
The Government, any Government can create whatever social Statistics it wants to create and support whatever narrative it wants. Social statistics is only real when they are done across the broad and without bias. One can always create a link between a certain action and a certain group if one ignores all other groups and concentrate only on the group you would like to create the statistics for.

I was told by a person online, that the UK’s head racist, Enoch Powell was a prophet who predicted that people of different races could not live together. I do not agree with that assessment because Enoch Powell was not predicting anything. Instead, Enoch Powell was expressing his hate and declaring his wish for maintaining white supremacy.

Enoch Powell was instructing white people not to accept racial unity, he was sowing the seeds of hate and once the idea was sown, the rest was easy. Enoch Powell did not want a Multicultural, Multiracial Britain and so he instructed people to resist it out of fear and hate, setting the stage racial division. When Enoch Powell delivered his River of Blood hate speech he wanted to strike fear and hate in the hearts and minds of Anglo Saxons and by declaring that in 15 years the Black man will have the Whip Hand over the white man, Enoch Powell did just that. The constant scare mongering that Black people will come to take what was stolen and do to them what they have done to us, have made white people live in fear and hate of us.  In any case our relationship with Europeans was forged out of their hatred of us. 

It was an excuse to socially engineer racial division and it worked perfectly. There are those people in and out of power in the UK, who believed what Enoch Powell said and lived their entire lives trying to socially engineer British society to that end, to achieve that end. The dysfunctional behaviour within the minority community was carefully socially engineered to achieve the desired actions and narrative Anglo-Saxon Britain wanted. They wanted to prove that minorities were genetically predisposed to violence and everything negative and dysfunctional within society and should not be in the UK.

Employing constant rejection coupled with economic and social exclusion, will create dysfunctional behaviour among a British born and bred semi-literate subsections of society, too stupid to realise just how self-destructive they have become, thus helping these people with their narrative, *"see look at the knife crime, look how they carve up each other like a Sunday roast, look at the violence, look how much we arrest at carnival time, look how uneducated they are, they are animals". Britain reaps, what Britain sows! **If you over police one section of society based on race, while ignoring the other section of society, then you will get the statistics and the narrative that you want.

What happened to the Windrush old people was not an accident. The hostile environment was carefully planned and implemented. What they did not expect was the backlash and so they tried to make it look like an accident.

Sarah O'Connor 1961 - 2018 

You get to England when you are 1, 2 or 6 years of age. Work your fingers to the bone helping to rebuild a country you were told you were a part of. A person spend over 50 years of their lives believing they are something and working towards a common goal until one day the system they believed in and worked for turn against them and tell them, that they do not belong here, you are not one of us, go away.  This system set out to create a hostile environment for the most vulnerable. Old people who worked all their lives to build the system, the very system that is now making them suffer.

And it was NOT by accident or a mistake because the system declared that it was creating a hostile environment, they burned their legal documents and then told them to prove they were one of us. It was by design. The next level in British devaluation is to round up black people and burn them like dogs or just enslave them again.  To live your last days, when you were suppose to enjoy the fruits of your hard work, feeling rejected, discarded and attacked by a country you called the “Mother Country”! It is Damn Disgusting! Pure evil!

Jackass say the world nuh level and Dog and Puss nuh have the same luck! 

I am a big supporter of Egalitarianism. I am also a huge supporter of Law and Order, I believe the law of the land exist to protect us from ourselves and as such should be obeyed by everyone. I also understand that not all laws were created equal and sometimes human beings create bad laws to protect a sub group at the expense of others, for example the old Slavery Laws.

I believe that Justice should be blind and equally applied to all citizens regardless of the various characteristics of each individual citizens. However, that belief of blind and equally applied Justice for all is idealism that have no real basis in reality when it comes to Human Beings. Because imperfect creation will create imperfect systems. I have always said, any system is only as good as the humans who created and administer that system.

Racism is not a figment of our imagination, it is real and affects people all over the world. The Current Western World Order was developed on the basis on racism and its people are engineered from birth to see the world as Black and White, Us against Them. War death and destruction, driven by human differences seems to be a vital requirement for human development and evolution. I know, that, so long as two Human Beings exist on this planet, this is how their relationship will be defined.

If you over police one section of society based on race, while ignoring the other section of society, then you will get the statistics and the narrative that you want. Social statistics are only real when they are done across the broad and without bias. One can always create a link between a certain action and a certain group, if one ignores all other groups and concentrate only on the group you would like to create the statistics for. 

In the land of the free and the home of the brave, that bastion of Freedom, Democracy and respecting Human Rights (Theoretical Idealism)

Multiple police officers in Brooklyn say they were told by a commander that white and Asian people should be left alone.

“You are stopping too many Russian and Chinese,” one of the officers, Daniel Perez, recalled the commander telling him earlier this decade.

Another officer, Aaron Diaz, recalled the same commander saying in 2012, “You should write more black and Hispanic people.”



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