Governor-General and The Order of St. Michael and St. George

The Government General wears this medal every time he puts on the ceremonial uniform and yet the Jamaican in this black man was never outraged by the symbols he wears on his chest and what it represents.

The British colonial system was very good at beating the self-worth out of us, “Anything too Black not too Good”.
Brainwashing us to the point that we hated ourselves.

We the Jamaican people have been culturally conditioned, stewed to subjugation perfection as we wear and display the symbols of our oppressors with pride, like a blasted badge of honour. They are Superior and Benevolent and we are Inferior and grateful for that Benevolence.

Statues and Monuments
The Jews would never have a statue of Hitler in the middle of Israel, yes, he is a part of their history, but he is not to be celebrated. The reason why people build statues and monuments, is to celebrate a person’s positive contribution to society and humanity. We do not build and/or maintain statues and monuments to people who abuse humanity.


We put statues and monuments up on high pedestals, towering over ordinary people because we want to celebrate their nation building contribution to society. Towering over us as a symbol of their greatness, an example for all to see and role models for us to follow. There is a reason why the British littered the conquered colonies with monuments and statues of white British colonial overlords, it is part of the cultural conditioning and subjugation process. British monuments and statues in the colonies represent symbols of British aggression and dominance over us. When people see Statues and Monuments, they see powerful symbols of greatness and to have our colonial slave masters tower over us does nothing but mock us. It is an affront to who we are as a people and to our ancestor to allow the statues of our en-slavers, abusers and colonizers to stand towering above us. This should be a matter of Principle stabbing at the core of our being.

During the slave trade, it was not uncommon for slave ships to dump their human cargo overboard in the middle of the ocean. It was common business practice, since they had taken out insurance on the lives of the slaves as cargo. According to the crew, when the ship ran low on drinking water following navigational mistakes, the crew threw slaves overboard into the sea. It was more than appropriate for the people in Bristol to throw the statue of that murderous slave trader Edward Colston into the harbor. It seems with the British, the more human suffering, death and destruction the person inflicts on indigenous Brown people around the world, the bigger the statue and monument.

Here in Jamaica, we need to seek out and destroy the various monuments and statues the British erected as proof of their domination, enslavement and subjugation of us. We need to do the same to statues like Queen Victoria and Christopher Columbus, we need to throw them in the harbor because they are an affront to who we are as a people! Having these statues tower above us the descendants of the enslaved is an insult to our ancestors.

The colonies exist not for Nation Building and Development but to make the British rich, by any means necessary, at the expense of the subjugated indigenous people. FOR the British, the more wealth they can extract, the more human suffering, genocidal murdering, death and destruction they inflicted on indigenous Brown people around the world, in order to extract our wealth, the bigger and more impressive the statue and monument.


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