The Complex Problems Affecting Black People

The problems affecting black people are complex, but a lot the problems affecting black people are also self-inflicted. Which makes the solutions to a lot of these problems very complex. Our problems are not just Black and White but Black, White, Brown and everything else in-between. Multiple causes with multiple effects and multiple solutions.  

We all know the part Institutionalized Systemic Racism plays in creating this dysfunctional state within the black communities. It is, as if the entire White Western World Order was designed to hold black people back. This White Western World Order has been defining who and what we are to the world for hundreds of years and that definition is almost always the racist perception that we are genetically inferior and predisposed to being dysfunctional and counterproductive. It gets even worse when Black people start to see themselves through white peoples eyes. When we adopt and accept the racist narratives of the White Western World Order. 

I get a lot of emails or hate mails for saying the White Western World Order. Mainly from people trying to pretend that this White Western World Order is Fair, Balance and Inclusive. And in their eyes, from their white perspective it might be but that is because they are delusional and do not belong to the Non-White world. We know that this White Western World Order that controls almost everything on this planet is anything but Fair, Balance and certainly not Inclusive. We have been abused by it for centuries. 

In 1885 European leaders met at the infamous Berlin Conference to divide Africa and arbitrarily draw up borders that exist to this day. With the exception of Ethiopia and Liberia, all the states that make up present day Africa were parceled out among the colonial powers within a few years after the meeting. They have been sharing up this planet among themselves for hundreds of years now. 

The idea that black empowerment can only come through white people sharing power is flawed. That if we appeal to their good nature and try to embarrass them by showing the effects of their actions on us. They will change, become more accepting and invite us to the table. This is a flawed position to take because they are beyond embarrassment. Whenever they get into an embarrassment situation, they just change the narratives. They find some ways to blame the victims so they can sleep better at nights and since they control the media, they control the narratives. They know who to invite to the table, it is a strategic move on their part. When they invite a black person to the table then they know they have control and can use that person as proxy.     

Thinking that black empowerment can only come from the white sources, is empowering the White Western World Order and make us more dependent. Black empowerment can never come from the White Western World Order because that is not the reason why it exist. At its core, they exist to maintain white control and white superiority. 

Africa unite 'Cause we're moving right out of Babylon And we're going to our Father's land

Unity: There was a time, that as a Jamaican hearing the name Trinidad, I would go into anti-Trinidad diatribe listing all the anti-Jamaica things Trinidad did to Jamaica but not anymore. I refuse to attack other black countries, preferring instead to reason out our differences, Unity is a must or else we will fail.    

Institutional Racism, also known as systemic racism, is a form of racism that is embedded as normal practice within society or an organization. It can lead to such issues as discrimination in criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power, and education, among other issues.

Black Dysfunctional Behavior:

But black people or people of African descent have also gone above and beyond, to create a whole new level and cycle of dysfunctional behavior that is doing so much harm and is holding us back as a people. Before we can efficiently and effectively tackle racism from the White Western World Order we must first learn to deal with our own demons. 

People Like Vybez Kartel are pimps pushing Dysfunctional Poverty Porn for Profits

One of the biggest problems among black people is that we are not allowed to criticize the dysfunctional behavior of other black people. If you do, then we are accused of being elitist, white or think we are better than other black people. Black people demand 100% obedience, silence and support in the face of black dysfunctional behavior. This dysfunctional behaviour is now an accepted part of black popular culture. However, black dysfunctional behavior is not black culture, it is not who we are and we must reject it! 

Money to these semi-literate ignorant hoodrat idiots are like pearls before swine.

One cannot be dumber than rocks, ignorant and dysfunctional, then expect to overcome something as sophisticated as institutionalized systemic racism. Which has been developing and evolving for over 400 years. In fact, these days systemic racism dependents on, black dysfunctional and ignorant behavior to maintain its control over the negative narratives that define us and to maintain the White Western World Order dominance over us. The White Western World Order loves statistics and when it comes to the black and brown people, they love negative statistics, used as proof of our inferiority and their superiority. Institutional Racism was designed to generate negative, counterproductive statistics about black people so as to justify racism and white superiority. 

Take for example Over Hyper-Policing:  If you over police a group of people based on race and under police another group of people based on race. Then you will generate the statistics that you want. Black people are over policed and police officers are hyper-aggressive towards black people which increase the chance of violence and arrest. Even when statistics shows that white people commits a certain crime more than black people, it also show black people are more likely to be stopped, arrested and send to jail for the same crime.   

Chris Rock: "If white people want to get rich, give black people Reparations"


For many black people, racism is used as an excuse to justify black dysfunctional behavior. Declaring we are this way, because of systemic racism. If we are intelligent enough to define reasons for our behavior and problems, then surely, we can define the solutions for these problems. To define ways to overcome most of our obstacles. It is very important that black people demand discipline, morality, values and standards from other black people, especially knowing what we face in life. We need intelligent black people to fight systemic racism or else we will never overcome it. 

Black Dysfunctional Behavior is helping the institutional racism system to generate the negative statistics that are holding us back as a people.  

A cycle of Dysfunctional Behaviour that supports racism

In this racist world, I support the concept of the Black Lives Matter Movement because it is not saying that black lives matter more than any other human life but that black lives matter just as much as any other human life. Systemic racism by definition is saying that Black Lives do not matter, as this racist oppressive system tries everything to make black lives a living hell. The Black Lives Matter Movement is not a new movement but a different name for one long historic never-ending struggle for equality in this racist world order. 

Black people cannot solve black people’s problem by changing white people’s minds. If we can then great and if we could then we would be much further up the ladder of life than we are today. Trying to change white people’s minds seems like a very slow futile task with very little return. It is a moving goal post, designed never to be achieved. What is more important and more progressive is to change black people’s minds. To make Black minds into Kryptonite for White people’s minds. The solution is not to beg to sit at their table but to create our own table and eventually they will beg to sit with us and be more compliant and if they do not, big deal.
Most rich Black people act as a bridge connecting the black world to the white world. They aid in transfer of wealth from the black world to the white world. Rich black people consume expensive white things. They set the standard for poor black people. What they should spend their money on, to feel like they have climbed the social ladder. No other black group enriched the white world, like influential black entertainers and sporting athletes. Behind almost every successful black person is a white person pulling the strings. 

The Black Lives Matter Movement, however, seems to be one dimensional in its attempt to protect Black lives. The movement gives the impression that it was only created to fight systemic white racism in the form of police brutality and nothing else. If there is any other purpose to the BLM movement then I am ignorant about it. 

Black lives Matter must include all aspects of Black lives. It must fight everything that is negative, counterproductive and a threat to Black Lives. Dysfunctional Black Behavior is a threat to Black Lives and almost as bad, if not worse than Systemic racism, it acts like fuel to that fire. Black Lives must matter to Black people before it can matter to anybody else.

All Lives Matter is just a convenient catch phrase racist white people come up with to counter Black Lives Matter, in their attempt to take control of the narratives. Racist white people can scream All Lives Matter till they are blue in the face because at no time in history did All Lives Mattered to racist white people. Their entire history is based on racist extermination, exclusion, slavery and superiority. So I laugh when they say it and dismiss it quickly as idle chatter. The fact is Black Lives Matter just as much as any other lives, including White Lives.  

Negative, counterproductive dysfunctional black behavior and white racism are working together, hand in hand, they are two sides of the same coin, two peas in a pod, trying to achieve the same goals and objectives. Which is to hold black people back! 

Black people will never overcome Institutionalized Systemic Racism while Ignorant, Dysfunctional Black behavior is at such high levels of acceptance, become the norm and defended as if we are genetically predisposed to Ignorant, Dysfunctional Black behavior. It is NOT who we are, it is not our culture and we should reject it. Progressive Black people needs to treat Ignorant, Dysfunctional Black Behavior like how we treat White Racism, with contempt because they are both enemies of Black people. 

Does Art Follow Life or Does Life Follow Art? I think we are now trapped in a cycle of dysfunctional behavior caused by both art and life! 

There is nothing worse than organizing black people along progressive lines, against oppressive racism, only to turn around and realise that the very black people we are trying to organized and defend, is also attacking their own black people. They are behind you keeping up the most dysfunctional almshouse helping racist people with their racist narrative. We have the enemy in front of us, the enemy behind us and the enemy among us. As a people, we are being attacked by both ignorant white racism and we are also under attack from ignorant, waste of space black people doing stupid shit.

Sometimes it feels like we are fighting a losing battle because the community, we are trying to defend, is also trying to oppress us through ignorance, black on black oppression is real and taking a toll. Black lives should not only matter when it is being destroyed by white racism. It should also matter when it is being destroyed by Black people as well. 

How black people conduct themselves matters. Upwardly mobile, progressive human development and proper socialization of Black people matters. Intelligent people are more likely to come up with intelligent solutions to the obstacles we face as a people. The only way to overcome the effects of racism is not to be willing victims of racism, not give it ammunitions against us. We should become progressive black people with strong Cohesion and Coupling. One cannot be dumber than a bag of rocks and expect to overcome systemic racism.

Africa as a continent, should have been in China’s position long ago and doing what China is doing to the world. China use to be that poor suffering country but they are now the world largest exporter with high GDP growth. China is a leading economic power while Africa is still seen as a suffering continent to plunder and not a force to be reckoned with. The US President Trump is reported to have called Haiti and African countries shithole countries. 

How great it would be, if the investments Jamaica is receiving from China was coming from Mother Africa instead. Rich, Progressive, Powerful Mother Africa, fighting to uplift the lives of Black people all over the world, a united Africa. Unity is a Must!

Africa's Billionaires

Africa is victim of the White Western World Order but a lot of the wounds Africa is receiving is also self-inflicted. The future of Africa is in Africa’s hands. Africa must learn from its own history and not repeat its colonial past. It must understand that the ball is in its court, it is holding all the cards. Africa owns most of the worlds resources that the rest of the world needs and as such controls the position of power. But if Africa is not progressively united then Africa will fail. Trade and investment agreements must Benefit Africa, if not, then it will only benefit the White Western World Order and the Chinese, at Africa’s expense. 

(2020) There are currently fifteen African countries involved in war, or are experiencing post-war conflict and tension. In West Africa, the countries include Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Togo. In East Africa, the countries include Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda. Unity is a Must!

The future of Black people globally can only come out of Africa. It cannot come from the Black American or Black Britain nor can it come from the Caribbean because we are too small and too poor. Africa must unite, grow up and defend its position and people or else they will fail. The black world must circle the wagon around Africa creating a powerhouse to improve black lives. 

The African Economic Community (AEC) is an organization of African Union states establishing grounds for mutual economic development among the majority of African states. The stated goals of the organization include the creation of free trade areas, customs unions, a single market, a central bank, and a common currency (see African Monetary Union) thus establishing an economic and monetary union. This union should be extended to include Black countries not on the continent. 

The Western World Order works like a pack of sheep dogs or hyaenas. They may seem like individual entities but they are not, they have each other’s back. The second you question some agreement and refuse to sign on the dotted line, you will see them circle the wagon around you and you will be beaten into submission. They count on each other, in order to maintain global dominance and their position at the top of the food chain. When they circle the wagon around a country like Jamaica or Cuba or any one of those 54 African countries, then no other developing third world country will run in to help fight off the hyaenas fearing they will be next to suffer their wrath. The United Western World Order depends on our Disunity and only a united front can stand up to them. 

Statistics is very important to the White Western World Order when it comes to defining us, it is very important to their racist narratives. Our failures most of which are engineered by them, are powerful statistical weapons. They never quote good statistics only the bad statistic and the only way we can counteract that is to reverse the trend because it is a fact that we are equal partners in the creation of these negative statistics. They will says 93% of Black victims killed by Black perpetrators but will not mention that 84% of white victims killed by whites. But we give them fuel to throw on their fires when for example, Of the 9,468 murder arrests in the US in 2017, 53.5% were black and 20.8% Hispanic. 

In 2019, there were about 4.15 million (65%) Black families in the United States with a single mother. This is an increase from 1990 levels, when there were about 3.4 million Black families with a single mother. In the UK 31.7% of Black households were made up of one person and 35.2% of Mixed ethnicity households were made up of one person. In Jamaica, the 2002 survey shows that female-headed households were 46.4%t of all households. Also, among female-headed households, those with children and no father present took the largest share at 53.4%.

In 2018, black Americans represented 33% of the US prison population, nearly triple their 12% share of the U.S. adult population. Whites accounted for 30% of prisoners, about half their 63% share of the adult population. Hispanics accounted for 23% of inmates, compared with 16% of the adult population. In absolute numbers, there were about 465,200 black inmates in state or federal prison at the end of 2018.

In 2017, blacks made up 17% of the DOD active-duty military – somewhat higher than their share of the U.S. population ages 18 to 44 (13%). Blacks have consistently been represented in greater shares among enlisted personnel (19% in 2015) than among the commissioned officers (9%).


This is an example why poor people remain poor. It is disgusting on so many levels. But where are the millionaire and billionaire Black rapper and black corporate business people to help these people save their homes. I assume they are too busy buying Gucci bling. White people are once again taking advantage of black stupidity and who can blame them? We make it so easy for them. 

Individually The White Western World Order will have its way with us. They are United but we are not united on any level. We are not united from the family level, not united on a national level and certainly not united by race. The White Western World Order controls our Narrative, our development and our direction. 

"If white people wants to get rich, give black people Money" 

The Bronx NY, NY 06/19/2021

Black people or people of African decent have also gone above and beyond, to create a whole new level and cycle of dysfunctional behavior that is doing so much harm and is holding us back as a people. Before we can efficiently and effectively tackle racism from the White Western World Order we must first learn to deal with our own demons. 


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