Stay in Your Lane Jamaica!

There is nothing I dislike more, than when Jamaicans, mainly overseas Jamaicans, declare that Jamaica needs to stay in its lane. We also get it a lot from bigger more arrogant and ignorant people from developed first world countries but I hate it more when it comes from Jamaicans. The fact is, the lane they are telling us to stay in, was not created by us but was created for us. Being told to stay in your lane is the most demeaning thing you can tell a Jamaican because we are not accustomed to staying in any predefined lanes, except when breaking world records at various athletics meets. That is not who we are but it seems it is who we are destined to become, people who stay in their lane and live at the mercy of others. Chop up him claat yes! Staying in your lane is like being a hamster on a wheel, void of imagination, vision, ambition, and innovation. Being told what to think, what to say and how to live for the reward of crumbs from their table. Staying in your lane means never revo...