Jamaica's Lack of Good Leadership and High Crime Rate

The real problem facing Jamaica is a lack of good leadership. In fact, our leaders are the major contributors to our dysfunctional state as a nation. Even our current crime epidemic can be traced back to the selfish and greedy actions of our leaders. These so-called leaders will do and say anything, to satisfy their selfish need for power and that cannot be good for Nation Building because Nation Building is not about Political power. Nation Building is about progressive Empowerment of a people. I get nothing from our leaders, they do not fill me with hope or pride because they bring nothing of value to the table. It does not matter if these leaders are young, old, man or woman or educated, the result is always the same, the cycle of dysfunctional behavior continues. If the water in the well is dirty, then every bucket of water taken from that well, will also be dirty.  

Our leaders lack the basic concept and understanding of Nation Building. They lack Imagination, Innovation and Vision and most are misguided fools, consumed by their own self-importance. In Nation Building, leadership is the ability to progressively influence society to achieve their full potentials. Leaders are needed to bring people together not divide people for political gains and our leaders survive by tearing people apart. The Jamaican society is shredded, rip to pieces because of our incompetent, greedy and selfish leaders. 

In every election, members of the political class go on the campaign stage and make promises for votes. They jump around like circus clowns normalizing dysfunctional behavior for votes. They know they can do this because the Jamaican people will never hold them accountable. Under the current status quo, the problems we face as a nation will never be solved. For one, a politician can never get elected without problems and the promises to solve them. So, problems are a vital and important requirement of our political process, not solutions.

From I was born, Jamaica has been fighting crime using the same set of crime fighting tools. We have been throwing curfews and SOEs at it and still crime continue to increase. We are doing the same things over and over expecting a different result. Yes, SOE and curfews do have a part to play in crime fighting but they cannot be the entire crime fighting plan and must be part of a much bigger plan involving Strong leadership with vison, Human Development and Nation Building. The fact is SOEs, and Curfews are only being used for Political posturing, trying to create a political perception that something is being done and progress is being made.

If we are serious about solving crime, then crime must be removed from the political arena. Crime must not be used to get votes. Solving crime is in the National Interest NOT IN the political interest, so there must be a unified national approach and solution to crime. There can be no Government and Opposition only leaders, who are on the same page, sitting at the same table. Leaders must act as one, present one common front and lead.

I wonder if you people realize that Corruption is not going anywhere and not getting any better and that all we do is measure the perceptional degree of corruption changes by political parties. JLP highlights PNP corruption and PNP highlights JLP corruption and all that says, is that they are both corrupt. We need to stop playing their games. But like crime and murder, corruption is nothing but entertainment for Jamaicans.     

Truth and Reconciliation

If we as a people, are to move forward from a position of trust, our leaders acting as one, must sincerely apologise to the Jamaican people and accept responsibility for past and present failures due to political selfishness and greed. It cannot be politics as usual, going around and around like a hamster on a wheel. Listening to these half idiots on the campaign trail making one empty promise after another. There is no halfway solution for crime. No more political sweet talk and circus clown promises, tip toeing around the issue. It is time to throw all our irons and egos in the fire and start anew! This is the only way forward. As one, with the people, we can defeat crime and corruption. But without a will there will never be away. We need good leaders, but we have none. It is time we stop pretending as if these idiots are leaders who mean us any good.

As a Society we must take actions that might not be comfortable, much like Singapore under Lee Kuan Yew. We will never be able to talk our way out of this situation. We must act as one people with one voice and one objective. As a society we are too far gone and What is happening now is by our design. We engineered this perfectly stewed dysfunctional society and fixing it will require much more than trying to appeal to the good nature of a people who have very little good nature. Our society is consumed with greed, selfishness, and a callous disregard for Nation Building and human life. We need to engineer good nature back into our society first. There can be no real Social Development without well-defined Social Engineering of society because a society like most other systems, requires a good design.

A country like Jamaica could do well with about 10 years of Benevolent Dictatorship. Freedom is wasted on people who are ignorant and indiscipline. These people will only use their freedom to make bad dysfunctional decisions. 

There is nothing funnier than a Jamaican declaring that Jamaica should be where Singapore is right now. Because they have no idea what Singapore did to achieve this progress and do not have the ability or discipline to implement the solutions to bring about Singapore like success. Our idea of Freedom is the freedom to be cock-it-up-jack-it-up indiscipline. That is the Jamaican way!


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