Caribbean Coat of Arms And Their Meanings

One of the main reasons why Colonization was so successful was that the British successfully sowed the seed of division and discontent within a country and between countries. The British feared real unity and only wanted unity under the crown. For hundreds of years this disunity was allowed to fester and encouraged to grow because the more we are divided, the more control the British had over us. From a young age, I learned this disunity, between people, between parishes, and countries. My grandmother for example, hated people from the Parish of St. Thomas in Jamaica and disliked Trinidadians, as she declared both are not to be trusted. In fact, I cannot remember her speaking highly of any other Caribbean Island. For a long time, I also lived what I learned. 

It is safe to say Caribbean countries have an inherited dislike for each other because we only seem to speak about each other in negative terms.  Most but not all, Trinidadian love to list everything that is wrong with being a Jamaican and a Jamaican can list everything that is wrong with being Trinidadian. The same can be said about every other island in the Caribbean, as we continue to propagate that British division. We have a crab in a barrel mentality, and we are not united, which is why the White Western World Order can so easily have their way with us. The fact is, we are too small and too poor to continue with this rubbish.  

I remember in West Indian History class the professor said, if we were to do a genetic study of the Caribbean, we would find that a lot of us are related. Because the British were not against splitting up families and sending them to different islands. To my brothers and sisters of the Caribbean, you are loved, you will get nothing but love and respect from me. May we find strength through unity and may we prosper together! 

One Love!


  1. I saw you post on NPR a criticism of how there's no white guy with an AR-15 dangerous gun ad, the way there was, like Willie Horton advertisement. Some people responded by being calling that racist. But, as a Republican who is pro-gun, I didn't think it was a racist comment at all. My response would have been:

    "This is a legitimate comparison of advertising and your perception of it. If people who are reading your post can't deal with it, that's unfortunate for them. As a Republican who is pro-gun, I would play on that image in an advertisement, having what started out as a gangster looking black guy with his stereotypical 9mm pistol. A white woman walking down the street. Play the danger music. They walk closer and closer. Then she smiles and gives him a big kiss. "Hey honey you ready to go to the range". Cut to them shooting together, pistols and AR-15's. Final message, "The 2nd amendment is for everyone. Vote Republican." But I'm just trying to be an inclusive Republican white guy. Others mileage will vary. One love. Your blog is awesome, by the way.


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