The British Empire, Colonialism and Turmeric Tories

The UK is still running on wealth generated and extracted from Colonization and Slavery. Just imagine, from India alone the UK extracted about $45 trillion during the period 1765 to 1938. All over the Empire the UK was able to extract enormous amount of wealth, importing resources on the cheap, over 250 years of free slave labour, while exporting finished products from the UK, on the high. Slavery and Colonization was like fuel to the Industrialization of the UK and why it became the biggest economy in the world. In 1870 around quarter of the global Manufacturing output was in the UK.

Cambridge University - The estimates suggest that these trades grew substantially over the period, reaching a magnitude equivalent to about 11% of the British economy by the early nineteenth century

What did invasion, conquering, subjugating, genocidal murder, slavery and colonization mean for European and their descendants?
  • For Europeans and their descendants, Slavery was to wealth, what the Big Bang was to the Universe. I look at slavery as a Big Bang of wealth creation. An instant explosion of Wealth that ripples through space and time, creating compounded wealth that transcends generations. The benefits of which is still being felt to this very day by Europeans and their descendants.
What did invasion, conquering, subjugating, genocidal murder, slavery and colonization mean for Africans and their descendants?
  • For Africans and their descendants, Slavery was to Poverty and suffering, what the Big Bang was to the Universe. I look at slavery as a Big Bang that created great human suffering and poverty. An instant explosion of human Suffering that ripples through space and time, creating compounded suffering and hardship that transcends generations. The negative effects of which is still being felt to this very day by the descendants of the conquered and enslaved people.

There is not so much a decline in global UK economic position but a slow rebalancing, without Colonization and slavery to artificially prop up and fuel the UK economy, it will only be a matter of time before the treasury starts running on fumes. Soon, the UK lifestyle and standard of living will not have the income to support it. Empire 2.0/Global Britain will never happen, the Commonwealth will never jump back into bed with the UK, bending over on UK terms and there is nothing the UK can do about it. It is not like the old days when you could deploy your massive Armada to invade, subjugate, enslave, and force your will on others. The UK will never be fully trusted, not after the events of the past 400 years. Oh, how the mighty is falling and Oh, how I wish you would fall faster, hitting rock bottom within my lifetime. Because you have done nothing to right past wrongs and evolve in unity. 

Turmeric Tories:

One of the reasons why the British Empire was so successful, was because they were able to turn Indigenous Native Peter against Indigenous Native Paul. A lot of the Empire was run by Proxy, by brown and black puppets controlled by white British puppet masters. These puppets would then get better scraps from the colonial masters table. 

When the British needed to implement some draconian racist measures, they would use their Home Grown Brown and Black Indigenous Colonial Native puppets. One main characteristics about these Home Grown Colonial muppets, was that they would go the extra mile to prove to their masters, they had no love for their fellow native brothers and sisters and to prove their loyalties to their colonial overlords.

Black and brown Turmeric Tories are not normal Tories nor can they be seen as moderate Tories because moderation within an extremist right wing Tory party for Black and Brown members are seen as weakness. These Black and brown Tories must present themselves as the most extremist form of Tory, in order to fit in and be accepted. Being black or brown and to be accepted by white rightwing racist extremist, is a very hard thing to do. Even at their most extreme they are still just seen as moderates, not full members of the group and not trusted. 

The worst person on a slave plantation was the black or brown person who was chosen by the white Slave Master to dispense discipline and punishment on the plantation. It was their job to beat his fellow slaves, for which they were rewarded. As such, they did not want their master to think they were soft or had any love for their fellow slaves. Hoping to please their White master and thank him for their elevated status in life, they would give out the most brutal form of punishment, pealing the skin from the backs of slaves with the whip or cutting off body parts. 

That practice is alive and well today and Black and Brown Tories in the UK and Black and Brown Trumpeon Republicans in the USA are perfect example of that. 


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