Why Can’t Jamaicans Access Their Own Beaches?

Do Jamaicans really want access to their own beaches? If over 5000 people can show up for one free Krispy Kreme donut and only 20 shows up to protest access to beaches, then one wonders what are the priorities of the Jamaican people. It was not because they are hungry why 5000 showed up for Krispy Kreme donut but because Krispy Kreme donut is a foreign import and they are culturally conditioned to love imports. 

Progressive People, creates progressive political parties, who go on to form Progressive Governments. Progressive People then engages their Progressive Government to implement Progressive Nation Building Policies. The problem is, Jamaicans are no longer a Progressive. Jamaican are no longer Nation Builders. Nation Builder requires a certain type of people, people who are unselfish, people who put the wellbeing of the many and the future of the country before their own selfish greed.

There was a time when one could drive along our coastal roads enjoying the unspoiled beauty of the Jamaican countryside and coastline. Smelling the fresh sea air and feeling the cool tropical breeze on our faces but not anymore. It has been transformed into something disgusting hideous, tacky, monolithic, and generic because ugly all-inclusive resorts litters the landscape, blocking your every view and access to the coastline, destroying the once beautiful, natural Jamaican countryside.

Most of these all-inclusive resorts are foreign owned and prostituting the country for profits. About 80% of the US$4 Billion generated is extracted out of the country as profits for foreign corporations of the White Western World Order. Tourism is turning out to be a massive environmental disaster, no different than the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico with the same effects on the ecosystem and should never have been allowed. Which goes to show that no amount of money can buy class, especially from a people who know the price of everything and the true value of nothing. 

BUT since Environmental destruction and wiping out the ecosystem for minimum wage, is seen by these people as progress and prosperity, it will only get worse. We are constantly under drought conditions because our water resources are being diverted so that tourists can have water slides and piss in water parks. 

My beaches do not exist to please tourist. They exist first and foremost for the Jamaican people to enjoy. We are willing to share it with others but it does not exist for tourist use only, at our expense. During slavery times many parts of Jamaica was off limits to slaves. During colonial times many parts of Jamaica was whites only. Schools, bars hotels, workplace lunch rooms you name it. It seems the more things change the more they remain the same. Because now many parts of Jamaica are off limit and exist to serve white tourist at the expense of black population. 

Many of you believe that giving us access to our best beaches is like throwing pearls before swine. Many of you think we do not deserve access to our beaches, in our own country. I am not an advocate of tourism or tourist, you are not my priority. In fact, most of the time you are like warts on the backside of humanity. We cannot vacation in our own country and we cannot vacation in your country. Because the second we get off the plane in your country, we are treated like criminals and refugees, when all we are trying to be is a tourist like you. In your country we do not get the tourist treatment that you get in our country.


  1. There really is an inborn reluctancy of many Jamaicans to stay away from the sea.
    But it is not about the sea but the beaches! Beautiful landscapes been taken away, the leisure, the fun, the freedom of being free in ur own country!
    Jamaican people get robbed of the Freedom to enjoy the amazing nature of their OWN country. Tourism combined with free beach access to All Jamaicans is possible, but government too stubborn and too on the rich man side


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