CARICOM Regional Conflict Guyana vs Venezuela

In 2008 oil prices jumped to a staggering US$147 Per Barrel. Guyana has 11 billion barrels of oil. Trinidad and Tobago have 0.24 billion barrels of oil and 10.53 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and all that oil and all that gas have done nothing for the struggling countries of CARICOM. There are no mutual development agreements for member countries. No one hand, washes the other, no special pricing, only crab in a barrel relationship. The only oil producing country in this region that went out of their way to help the struggling countries of the Caribbean was Venezuela and that help came about because our fellow CARICOM country Trinidad and Tobago reneged on a Memorandum of Understanding to supply oil to Jamaica at special rate. In fact, Trinidad and Tobago is notorious for reneging on signed agreement for selfish reasons. The EU put EU countries first before any other. The White Western World Order puts white countries first before any black or brown countries. The Caribbean Commu...