CARICOM Regional Conflict Guyana vs Venezuela

In 2008 oil prices jumped to a staggering US$147 Per Barrel.

Guyana has 11 billion barrels of oil. Trinidad and Tobago have 0.24 billion barrels of oil and 10.53 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and all that oil and all that gas have done nothing for the struggling countries of CARICOM. There are no mutual development agreements for member countries. No one hand, washes the other, no special pricing, only crab in a barrel relationship. The only oil producing country in this region that went out of their way to help the struggling countries of the Caribbean was Venezuela and that help came about because our fellow CARICOM country Trinidad and Tobago reneged on a Memorandum of Understanding to supply oil to Jamaica at special rate. In fact, Trinidad and Tobago is notorious for reneging on signed agreement for selfish reasons. The EU put EU countries first before any other. The White Western World Order puts white countries first before any black or brown countries. The Caribbean Community, seems to put everyone else before any other Caribbean country.   

  • In 2008 oil prices jumped to a staggering US$147 Per Barrel.
  • The Petrocaribe agreement allowed Jamaica to pay 50% down payment for oil shipments and the other 50% paid back over 25 years at 1% interest rate.
  • This deferred 50% was invested directly into the Petrocaribe Development Fund thus converting sovereign debt into a receivable asset used for Infrastructure development. The fund is the largest domestic investor in renewable energy.
  • Jamaica accumulated $3 billion of Petrocaribe debt at 1% interest rate payable over 25 years.
  • In July 2015 cash-strapped Venezuela agreed to cancel Jamaica’s $3 billion of Petrocaribe debt in exchange for a lump sum payment of $1.5 billion. The 50 percent haircut wiped Jamaica’s debt slate clean and reduced our debt to GDP. Since 2005, the amount of Venezuelan oil that has flowed to Caribbean states under Petro Caribe has fluctuated between roughly 86,000 and 121,000 barrels of oil per day and Jamaica accounted for 23,000 barrels per day at 50% discount.
While I am so very grateful to Venezuela for the much needed help, we are being forced to support Guyana above Venezuela because they are members of CARICOM and the Commonwealth. Even though we know they will do nothing to help the region, and the Caribbean Community. I believe that unity is strength and I believe we need more Caribbean unity not less. I believe we must learn to have each other’s back if we are to survive as a region against the Imperialist and Colonialist White Western World Order. I would also love it, if  Venezuela and Cuba could be a part of this union.  

It is a fact, that the oil, gas and mineral resources of the Caribbean does nothing to help the region grow. These resources were developed to enrich the White Western World Order, at CARICOM expense. Sometimes I do not know why CARICOM and Commonwealth even exist because they both do nothing towards our development. The Commonwealth was designed to serve the White Western World Order while giving us the illusion pf power and control. CARICOM members spend more time working against other CARICOM members, instead of with other CARICOM countries. The individual countries within CARICOM are more interested is gaining the advantage with the White Western World Order, over other CARICOM members. Everyone wants a seat at the masters table and the master's approval, and the thing is, the master knows it and uses it against the region. It is so easy for the White Western World Order to turn Peter against Paul. 

A little bit of something is better than a lot of Nothing:

If you give a starving man a piece of dry crackers, then he will be forever grateful because the dry crackers represents an increase in nutritional intake. Jamaicans have a saying, “A little bit of something is better than a lot of nothing”. Jamaica’s tourism sector generates US$4 billion per year but about 80% of that leaves Jamaica for the home countries of the White Western World Order countries who own the hotels. 

The standard global oil royalty rate is between 12% to 25%, Guyana’s oil royalty is only 2% and for 2023 that represents US$11.3 billion, which is better than nothing, and a 14% increase over 2022. If Guyana had a royalty rate of 10% then income from oil in 2023 would be US$57 billion. Guyana’s Natural Resource Fund is not kept at the Guyana's Central Bank but at the New York Federal Reserve Bank and knowing the USA love for weaponizing Foreign Assets by Freezing them, Guyana is not about to test the waters and act out of pocket against her pimp. The recent conflict with Venezuela will forces Guyana deeper into the back pockets of the USA and any US troops deployment to defend Essequibo will be financed by Guyana.   

A little bit of something is better than a lot of nothing” was designed to keep you in your prescribed lane and not challenge the status quo. It is such a colonial concept, be quiet, suffer in silence while I extract your wealth resources for little and nothing, at your expense. Here is a dry bone, be a good little dog and eat it quietly in the corner. It gets even worse when several starving dogs are eying the one dry bone.  


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