How I will vote, Who I will vote for and Why I would vote for the party

Election Map 2020

I am not a diehard supporter of any political party. What I am is a diehard supporter of progressive ideology, but Progressive ideology does not exist in Jamaica today. As such, the party that gets my vote is based on a formula that only takes into consideration certain social and economic indicators. These indicators were investigated and evaluated by me. +3 points will be awarded for any indicator that improved. -3 points will be deducted from any indicator that declined and +1 point awarded for any indicator that stayed the same. I was thinking of weighted points (+-4) for indicators I consider more important, like crime, employment and environment but decided to stick with the original formula.

The use of a formula frees me from partisan feelings and emotions. Liking the person or party is no longer relevant and only the performance of the social and economic indicators matter, kind of like the DOW. I can cuss out that person or the party they belong to because of an incident and still end up voting for that party because the formula said so. I might dislike a weasel like tourism minister for example, but tourism numbers are up, even though tourism is raping the hell out of the environment. So, tourism gets 3 points and for declaring war on the environment, the party loses 3 points. These greedy Assholes are bulldozing and concreting the entire island. 

At the end of the list, I total the points and calculate the percentage of positives versus negatives. If positive outweighs negative and total points are positive then I vote for the government, if not then I vote for the opposition. It is that simple, no emotions, no family tradition and peer pressure, just simple statistical facts. I am too tired, too old, too miserable and been at this for too long to support any party like a minion. So this Hamster, is getting off the party Hamster Wheel. Especially when both parties are not governing by the right progressive ideology but by feel good populism.

Jamaican General Election, 2025

How it stands now, at this moment in time, the Jamaica Labour Party will get my vote in any General Election because the formula says so.  With regards to the local Government election, if I am around the PNP gets my vote, a dead fus before the JLP get my vote in that election. The JLP must be punish for not calling that election when it should have been called, their actions goes against my principles. I am not a diehard voter, I am a proud and pure swing voter. 


  1. Hopefully what ever party gets in they can bring an end to the corruption in Jamaica


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