The Importance of Bob Marley

The message that Bob Marley delivered to the world seems to be lost to most Jamaican people. To some Jamaican people his message no longer holds any value. Bob Marley was about Social Consciousnesses, Livity, Freedom, Positivity, Progressive Upliftment and Nation Building. A fight against oppression by standing up for your rights. Bob’s message was based on strong moral values and principles. All of which is lost to the KFC eating, Krispy Kreme loving sellout Jamaicans, void of moral values and principles. One must also remember that Bob Marley’s children and grandchildren are not Bob Marley. They do not know what it means to be Bob Marley. Bob Marley was unique and his offspring's do not share in his unique reality or made up of the ingredients that made Bob possible. Bob’s children Grandchildren mostly grew up as spoilt brats enjoying Daddy’s money and paying lip service to everything Bob stood for, to them Bob is a Business. To Jamaica it now seems the importance of Bob Marley...