Mammee River Development Project - Shameless Hypocrites the lot of you

If this was a White World Order Project Everyone would be smiling with Glee!

I noticed when the Europeans and Americans are bulldozing our lovely countryside to build their god-awful, tacky, generic one-dimensional All-Inclusive Hotels that extracts 80% of the profits, or bulldoze the natural world to extract bauxite, everyone is quiet, everyone looks the other way or smile with pride. Oh they love us, the white western world order love us and most people feel this way because they are colonially conditioned and stewed to subjugated perfection. 

The White World Order have free access to Bulldoze, Build and Fence off Jamaica!
If Jamaica wants more tourists, do more trees have to go?

But when the Chinese going to build, all hell breaks loose. It is this bias hypocrisy that gets to me. I remember the mass movement against Goat Island which I supported. After which I watched the war on the environment in Kingston and St. Andrew and the countryside, as every piece of land and beach front is turned into concrete. Since Goat Island we have destroyed way more than 10,000 times the size of Goat Island in the name of Concrete Prosperity, and no one says a word. Especially when Mr. Weasel Face Tourist Minister stand up beside his white Overlord Spanish developers. Ever since the Prime Minister declare that he wants to create the Miami skyline in Jamaica, he declared outright war on the environment and the natural world. To our Prime Minister and most Jamaicans, Concrete is progress and we must try to look like rat infested New York City. 

Mr. Weasel Face Tourist Minister and his underling Labbah Mouth

What is amazing about this land for infrastructure deal with CHEC, is that it is not new. It was public knowledge even before they started building the highway. But we waited until many years after the fancy highway done build and now the Chinese are acting on their part of the deal to cry outrage. Really! Where was the outrage and protest that should have taken place back in 2000, 2006, 2008, 2010? No blocked roads and no riots. We wait until 2024 to start with this pretend shock! How dare the Chinese act on the agreed deal that was signed over a decade ago with the Government of Jamaica and the people. Yes, the people because you never protested back then. I am sure the Chinese would have taken cash for their infrastructure work but we were too broke to pay them so we swap land instead.  

WHEN THE White Western World Order Bulldozing and Building, We do NOT count Bats and Birds!

The CHEC Land Deal: Caribbean Development Bank 2017
In negotiations leading up to contract signing, CDB had insisted on a blanket GOJ guarantee for their long-term loan, which the Government refused. It was obvious that toll revenues on the North-South Link would not be sufficient to ensure viability, therefore CHEC suggested an incentive mechanism that was common in China: commercial development on lands adjacent to the Highway.

The development of ancillary commercial activities along the Highway was one of the economic objectives of the project, and there was concern at the slow pace of such developments along the East-West Highway. The CHEC proposal had the advantage of incentivising the concessionaire to ensure that such ancillary developments were programmed and not left to chance. However, given that most of the Highway would be fenced off, there were not many opportunities for commercial activities, except at interchanges and on-off ramps.

The deal that was ultimately struck gives CHEC access to 1,200 acres of Government owned lands along the Highway, on the following conditions:

CHEC must make applications to NROCC for access to lands on a project by project basis; submitting full development plans. If NROCC approves the project, the lands would be transferred to CHEC with
timeframes for commencement and completion of the developments. Should the developments not be carried out in keeping with the timeframes agreed then the lands would revert to the GOJ. Land development is seen by CHEC as a profit-making opportunity, as well as a means to drive traffic: “This is where we see the long-term potential – in the ancillary developments.” CHEC is currently seeking to develop 2,400 new hotel and residential rooms in St. Ann.

Chezidek - Earth Feel It!

I hate Bulldozing and concreting Kingston and St. Andrew out of pure greed, I hate the Bulldozing of our countryside to build ugly hotels and I hate this development. But I hate hypocrisy and hypocrites even more.


Concrete Progress

Scientists say mangrove forests are invaluable to fighting both the causes and effects of climate change. They absorb planet-heating carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and protect coastlines against storms, flooding, and erosion. The trees also provide habitat for wildlife, including the fish and crabs that locals harvest to earn a living.

Mangrove Destruction!

Mangrove Destruction!


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