Vale Royal, The Official Residence of the Prime Minister of Jamaica

For details please go to Petchary's Blog (links below) because one cannot improve on perfection and that blog perfectly illustrates the problem. On top of that I am not the most diplomatic person in the world. 

Jamaica’s historic Vale Royal now on life support 

Heritage Week in Jamaica, But Some of our Heritage is Looking the Worse for Wear

I would not be shocked if they announced that it was soon to be the site of, The Vale Royal Pines Country Club. A new Gated Concrete Compound for people who knows the price of everything and the true value of nothing. 

Jamaican Government is assessing proposals for the future use of the dilapidated Vale Royal

Did the Prime Minister take tax payers money that should have been allocated for the maintenance and upkeep of Vale Royal and spend it on his own private mansion? 

This is how it use to look

I'm hearing talk of the sale of Vale Royal. This raises grave concerns about transparency and accountability within our government. Who stands to benefit from this transaction? Will it be sold off to foreign investors, particularly the Chinese, or will it be handed over to cronies at a fraction of its value, with kickbacks lining the pockets of those in power?  Vale and No Royal - Poor Vale Royal


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