White Supremacy, Trade Wars and Ukraine War

White Supremacy

The U.S. Census Bureau projected that the U.S. would become a majority-minority country between 2040 and 2050. This means that non-Hispanic white people will no longer make up most of the U.S. population. Almost everything happening in the United States, is happening simply because of the above projection by the U.S. Census Bureau which shocked the hell out of White Americans.

I read once that there were about 450 thousand illegal Europeans living in the USA and I am sure if all 450 thousand stripped naked and danced in front of ICE Headquarters buck naked, ICE agents would not even look in their direction because they are not seen as a problem and are in fact welcomed. ICE exist to remove Black and Brown people from the United States of America. ICE has been weaponized to prevent or slow down the U.S. Census Bureau projection of non-Hispanic white people becoming the minority. The American president is also trying to increase white migration to the United States, ever since his first term in office and even went so far as to offer/invite white South Africans to migrate and settle in the US. Donald Trump bemoaned a lack of white immigrants to the US from “nice” countries “like Denmark or Switzerland”. “And when I said, you know, ‘Why can’t we allow people to come in from nice countries,’ I’m trying to be nice. Nice countries, you know like Denmark, Switzerland? Do we have any people coming in from Denmark? How about Switzerland? How about Norway?”. The American President also referred to Haiti and African nations as "shithole countries" during a meeting with a bipartisan group of senators at the White House. 

This is the American process of ethnic cleansing trying to maintain the white majority and white supremacy. However, President Trump's proposal to cut legal immigration rates would delay the date that white Americans become a minority of the population by as few as one or as many as five additional years, according to an analysis by The Washington Post. All told, the proposal could cut off entry for more than 20 million legal immigrants over the next four decades. The change could have profound effects on the size of the U.S. population and its composition, altering projections for economic growth and the age of the nation's workforce, as well as shaping its politics and culture, demographers and immigration experts say.

It is no secret that the current American Foreign Policy is based on promoting global White Supremacy. The American Government is now in alliance with far-right white racist political parties globally, trying to get them all elected to power in their respected countries. Racist American oligarchs are spending billions promoting far-right political parties. Meanwhile, emissaries of far-right parties overseas, gathered at the Conservative Political Action Conference near Washington, described a resurgence spanning continents, buoyed by the U.S. president. One thing I can say about white people is that they are not afraid to unite and organize in the face of what they perceive has a threat to their dominance. I cannot say the same about Black and Brown people. Our relationship with each other can only be described has being like crabs in a barrel. 

"Crab in a barrel" is a metaphor describing a situation where individuals within a group actively try to hinder the success of others who are trying to climb ahead, essentially pulling them back down, often out of envy or a "if I can't have it, neither can you" mentality, resulting in no one achieving their full potential; it's based on the idea that if you put crabs in a barrel, when one tries to climb out, the others will pull it back down, preventing any from escaping. 

Jamie Carragher insulting The Africa Cup of Nations
If you understand Colonialism, Imperialism and White Superiority then you must understand why Jamie Carragher insulting The Africa Cup of Nations was so easy for him to do. Africa is a continent littered with some of the world’s most valuable wealth resources and those wealthy resources only have real value once it leaves the continent of Africa and enters the White Western World. The basic belief of the White World is that White is Right, good, benevolent, superior and black, brown, indigenous people, wrong, inferior, useless and worthless. That has always been the mindset of the White Western World toward the Black and Brown World. That mindset always defined the relationship between the White world and the Black and Brown world. That mindset lives on today. It is as if they are genetically predisposed and/or socially engineered from birth to believe everything only has value when it exists within the domain and control of the White Western World. Jamie Carragher is a product of his environment.

Trade War – Weaponizing Tariffs

At the start of Trumps first term, Trump attacked the NAFTA trade agreement with Canada and Mexico, saying it was the worst trade agreement in the history of trade agreements. He then threatened them both with tariffs, forcing them back to the table to renegotiate a new NAFTA 2.0. He then declared that the new NAFTA 2.0 agreement was the best agreement, the greatest agreement, perfect in every way.

At the start of Trump’s second term, Trump declared that NAFTA 2.0 trade agreement with Canada and Mexico was the worst trade agreement in the history of trade agreements. This was the same agreement Trump negotiated, agreed to and signed in his first term. He then proceeded to threaten both countries with tariffs.

If the PNP as the Government of Jamaica signed an agreement with the USA and then the JLP becomes the Government, they would have no choice but to respect that agreement between the Government of Jamaica and the Government of the USA because if they did not it would be hell to pay for Jamaica. They would beat us to no end until we comply. For the most part, this is how most Governments behave between each other, respect signed agreement until they can be negotiated, but not the USA.

It is no secret that the current American Foreign Policy is based on America First. The United States will no longer pretend to believe in mutual development because it is America first, second and third and nobody else. The United States of America no longer has allies. In fact, the current President believe all America’s allies are ripping off the USA and he was now going to put them all in their places. Any relationship between the USA and the rest of the world must be based on the USA having the clear advantage over friend and foe.

Ukraine Is now a Terrorist State

Ever since Russia invaded Ukraine the United States along with the UK and the EU, declared themselves an ally of Ukraine and has been financing and weaponizing Ukraine to fight the Russians. The American invested in and encouraged the war only to end up throwing Ukraine under the bus! Trump calls Zelensky a 'dictator' and blame Ukraine for the start of the war. The U.S. Objects to Calling Russia ‘Aggressor’ in G7 Statement on Invasion. There is no sense of continuity with the USA because you are not in agreement with the USA but with one fickle regime after another. One second, they have your back, leading you down a dark alley and the next they beat you with sticks for being in the same dark alley they drag you into.

The Ukraine minerals deal is a perfect metaphor for Trump’s foreign policy based on threats, tariffs and mafia type extortion. Trumps America has no friends, no allies, only enemies to be subdued, subjugated and grind under his heels. So, the US is isolating it self from the world, so should the world isolate the US. It still amazes me that some countries are just bending the knee to this terrorist and tyrant. Hoping that he will not look in their direction. It is not that you are safe, just that it’s not your time yet to be abused, but your time will come and when it comes it will be too late. The time to stand up, organize, unite and fight is now! Stop being spectators, watching Trump crush one country after another. Countries need to unite and have each others back and diversify away from the USA. Form new trading blocks. Right now countries are all just standing around staring at the on coming asteroid called Trump. The USA is screaming from the mountain tops that they have no friends, no allies and the world is pretending as if its a joke. Clowns coming on the TV talking about not to take Trump literally, when he is literally implementing his plans. 

The Time has come to Change the World Order! The Great Western Alliance with the USA is over, everyone needs to stop trying to tip-toe around that fact. The Commonwealth must stand with Canada!  
  • Everyone must Diversify away from the USA, there is an entire world out there. 
  • Create new Economic and Free Trade alliances. 
  • Evolve old Alliances and relationship like the Commonwealth, 56 countries with 2.73 billion people into new Egalitarian Economic and Free Trade alliances 
  • The African Union must unite and form a Economic and Free Trade block
  • CARICOM must unite and form a Economic and Free Trade block
  • Canada, EU and Mexico as well as everyone else, can also have trade agreement with BRICS and with China because if the USA can go to bed with Russia, then everyone can go to bed with China and BRICS. 
  • The $840 Billion Plan To 'Rearm Europe' is a start, rebuild the Military Industrial Complex and stop buying arms from the US.

The Black and Brown World Order:

The solution to dealing with a bully is to unite and have each other’s back and diversify away from the bully. That is the only way to deal with the United States now, diversify away from them, reduce our dependency on them, to minimize their attacks. The world needs to diversify and realign. CARICOM needs to reduce their dependance, unite and diversify to minimize external shocks. However, the core operational policy and relationship of CARICOM is Crab In A Barrel! Small insignificant little islands, some no bigger than a sand bank have done nothing but hate each other to the entertainment of the White World Order. 
The Commonwealth needs to evolve from the dog and pony show that it is today. It has within it the ability to become an economic powerhouse, but I am afraid the white supremist within the Commonwealth are unable to deal with racial egalitarianism. The impulse for them to bond within the white world order is too great. Maybe the Black and Brown members need to break off and form their own economic trading block. Africa, Africa, Africa one of the richest and poorest continent on the planet. It amazes me that a continent can have so many wealth resources and still bogged down in poverty. Africa needs to unite and nationalize all their wealth resources currently owned and being exploited by the White Word Order.     

I do not think I will ever see a United Africa and the Rise of a Black World Order in my lifetime. I was hoping Africa had turned the corner, becoming more united. We do not have each other back. In fact we are entertained by watching the white world order beat the bejesus out of the Black and Brown world and consume us. 

I often say to people:
"The future of Black people globally can only come out of Africa. It cannot come from the Black American or Black Britain. Nor can it come from the Caribbean because we are too small and too poor. Africa must unite, Africa must grow up and Africa must defend its position and people or else we black people will fail. Globally black people must unite around Africa! Until then, we will all be at the mercy of the White Western Word Order! " 

But I am not sure this will ever happen. I do not understand why we are so divided as a people. I do not understand why we find it so easy to turn on each other. It seems we will exist forever under control of the White World Order. 

Donald Trump has warned Volodymyr Zelenskyy to "make a deal or we're out" as he accused the Ukrainian president of "gambling with World War Three". The two leaders clashed during their Oval Office meeting, with Trump branding Zelenskyy "disrespectful". After Zelenskyy warned that the US would feel the impact of the war if continues, Trump interrupted saying: "Don't tell us what we're going to feel. We're trying to solve a problem." The testy exchange continued with both Trump and vice president JD Vance saying that Ukraine should be thankful for US support in the war. Trump claimed he had empowered Zelenskyy to be a tough guy, adding: "You wouldn’t be a tough guy without us."

It came after the US president said he was "in the middle" and "for both Ukraine and Russia" during the meeting. He said he wanted to get the conflict between both countries "solved". He insisted that he was not "aligned with Putin" but instead was aligned "with the US and good of the world". Zelenskyy took the opportunity to show Trump images of prisoners of war held by Russia.


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