
Showing posts from February, 2020

Black History Month within the Jamaican Context

I came across a Jamaican group on social media discussing Black History Month and complaining that they only “GAVE US” one month and it is the shortest month. Now, I totally understand why places like the USA, Canada and Britain may want to have a Black History Month because they are Governed by the White World Order, pushing white superiority but I cannot understand why a country like Jamaica and a region with majority black population would want to have a Black History Month or be GIVEN a month, as if we are the minority. So, their logic is that the USA only gave Jamaica one month for Black History and the shortest month. Unlike the USA, Canada and Britain, Jamaica does not need to have a Black History Month. Black people in the USA, Canada and Britain are minorities living in a white majority, dominated and at times oppressive society. They live in a society, that did not celebrate anything black and in fact tried to limit the knowledge of black contribution to society and the ...

Lack of Social Engineering in Jamaica

I agree that parents are responsible for the development of their offspring's. I agree that parents should guide and protect their offspring. I agree that parents should make sure their offspring's are properly socialized, understanding their roles within society. I agree that parents should teach their children manners, morals and proper problem/solution skills. Making sure they know that violence is not the solution to every problem. I agree that parents should properly integrate their children into society, promoting good social values and behavior over anti-social behavior.  In order to teach better, you must know better and if you do not know better, thinking your dysfunctional lifestyle is the norm and acceptable, then how are you going to teach better to your children? In the real world, I think we overuse the word parents and apply the word to people who should be parents,  but they are not parents  because they were never educated to be parents and as such, t...

The Negative Effects of Migration and Remittance

A lot of Jamaicans, including the Governments, do not want to discuss the Negative effects, that both Migration and Remittance is having on the Jamaican society. Fearing that it might disrupt the gravy train of cash flow and those blue barrels of goodies. Most also do not want to discuss the negative effects that fatherless household is having on our society. It seems no one want to discuss cause and effects. For example, crime is a big problem but no one wants to analyze the complex and dynamic problems that is fueling crime. Criminals are a product of Jamaica Society. Some of these barrel children will developed abnormally into adults with serious anti-social mental issues and poor problem/solution skills, lacking critical thinking. They were never socialized properly and most will become easily influenced by the lowest common denominator. They are needier and want to belong, want to fit in, want to be accepted, something they did not get at home from a loving family unit. Fo...

I am a Proud Swing Voter, A Flip Flapper Supreme:

We are NOT Slaves Chained to the Political Party Plantation, that is not how true democracy and the political process is supposed to work. We should always be open and objective, while using critical thinking, morals, values, and principles to evaluate those we support and align ourselves with people who share our values, principles and ambition! Flip Flopping, Swing Voting and switching allegiance is NOT a Weakness but a Strength. Bold nation building moves!  Members of the Political Class should work to gain our support which should come at the highest price, The Building of a Nation and the betterment of her people! We do NOT serve the Party or the Government. They Serve us, the people!    People who are diehard and diehearted party supporters already know who they are going to vote for because logics and facts mean nothing to these people, they are not a factor.  Diehard and Dieheart party supporters do not have the burden of deciding which party at...

Brexit! An Independence for Idiots

One would think the European Union had invaded the UK, slaughtered anyone who resisted their occupation and enslaved the rest of the population for the next 200 years. Extracting all their wealth then finally leaving them poor, living in ignorance and causing great human suffering. The way the UK is carrying on, one would never know that the UK joined the European Union by choice, after multiple years of trying to join that union. Being a member of the European Union, the UK sat at the head of table as a major power-broker, mover and shaker. The UK Voted yes on 95% of EU laws but they are now talking rubbish about being independent from the EU, like slaves being released from bondage. They are a bunch of Damn fools. The fact is they were begging to become a member The UK was the first country to establish a Delegation to the ECSC in 1952 and the first country to sign an Association Agreement with the Community in 1954. The UK's applications to join the EEC in 1963 was vet...