Black History Month within the Jamaican Context

I came across a Jamaican group on social media discussing Black History Month and complaining that they only “GAVE US” one month and it is the shortest month. Now, I totally understand why places like the USA, Canada and Britain may want to have a Black History Month because they are Governed by the White World Order, pushing white superiority but I cannot understand why a country like Jamaica and a region with majority black population would want to have a Black History Month or be GIVEN a month, as if we are the minority. So, their logic is that the USA only gave Jamaica one month for Black History and the shortest month. Unlike the USA, Canada and Britain, Jamaica does not need to have a Black History Month. Black people in the USA, Canada and Britain are minorities living in a white majority, dominated and at times oppressive society. They live in a society, that did not celebrate anything black and in fact tried to limit the knowledge of black contribution to society and the ...