I am a Proud Swing Voter, A Flip Flapper Supreme:

We are NOT Slaves Chained to the Political Party Plantation, that is not how true democracy and the political process is supposed to work. We should always be open and objective, while using critical thinking, morals, values, and principles to evaluate those we support and align ourselves with people who share our values, principles and ambition! Flip Flopping, Swing Voting and switching allegiance is NOT a Weakness but a Strength. Bold nation building moves! 

Members of the Political Class should work to gain our support which should come at the highest price, The Building of a Nation and the betterment of her people! We do NOT serve the Party or the Government. They Serve us, the people!  

People who are diehard and diehearted party supporters already know who they are going to vote for because logics and facts mean nothing to these people, they are not a factor.  Diehard and Dieheart party supporters do not have the burden of deciding which party at this time is the better option. The only people who suffers from this burden are the Swing Voters.

One must firmly study the political landscape, evaluate the each political party, identify what each of them bring to table and decide in the interest of Nation Building. One can also be objective, one can criticize a political party and still vote for that party, because no party is above criticism and that is because no party is perfect. I would never be so bold as to tell people which party they should vote for, that is your personal decision and I respect that decision, so long as it comes from evaluation, logic's and facts

Being a Swing Voter frees me from the burden of being a minion, braindead Diehard Party Supporter. Just like being a Diehard, Firebrand Political Party Supporters frees idiots from having any intelligence. Most Diehard, Firebrand Political Party Supporters are just common and ignorant because that is all that is required to be one. A bag of rocks has more sense than these idiots combine. To say I have no respect for Diehard, Firebrand Political Party Supporters is an understatement. Their support for a party is not based on ideology, principles or objectivity because these things requires Critical Thinking which require intelligence, “the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue to make a judgment”. 

Diehard, Firebrand Political Party Supporter is simplistic and one dimensional because they lack objectivity, commonsense and an open mind. Some support a political party because of family tradition. For others it’s due to peer pressure or just because they live in a certain community, a political party-controlled zone. In all cases it’s due to laziness and pure ignorance, lacking the intelligence to analyze or even understand the information before them. They get no real benefits for their support except for the free chicken back, pig tail and the occasional dancehall events that happens during the election period. Normally after the election is over, their Members of Parliament don’t even remember they exist, they are minions, voting fodder and serve no other purpose.

Most Diehard, Firebrand Political Party Supporters reaps no other benefit for supporting their political party. For the most part, they still live and die in the same tired murdering suffering ghetto with little or no change, from generation to generation. They are trapped in time, having to relive the same election-to-election events and promises, shouting “JLP”, “PNP”, “Socialist”, “Labourite”, reciting stupid party slogans, “Stand Firm”, “Money gwaan gingle”, “Deliverance!”, "Prosperity", and my favorite “More man have gal, cell phone and cars” (not jobs, education, health care and a way to properly support one’s family).

It is the Swing Voter who bears the burden of the democratic process and who are the true potential nation builders. It is the swing voter who is forced to re-evaluate life under the party who forms the government. It is the swing voters who compares promises made to actual promises delivered. It is the swing voters who follows a list of economic and social indicators under a Government and evaluate the before and after position of these indicators. Trying to figure if the country is on the road to progress or declining. It is the swing voters who must make the bold decisions for change because it is the swing voters who demand results and force politicians to engage them on a higher level.

Flip Flapping Swing Voters, are like Krytonite to the members of the Political Class who fear intelligent voters because intelligent voters demand that they do the work they promised to do.

To tell the truth I cannot relate to Diehard, Firebrand Political Party Supporters. I try not to engage them in any meaningful conversation. It would be a total waste of time to have a conversion about nation building and civic responsibility with these people because they have lost all political objectivity. I talk above, around, between and under them because they are too stupid to talk to and be treated like an equal. I try to avoid them like the plague that they are because they are the problem.

My only hope is that the Diehard, Firebrand Political Party Supporters, numbers will dwindle over time and that they will be a thing of the past. I am a firm supporter of the Independent Swing Voters, people who are not afraid to make choices base on facts, evidence, hopes, dreams and aspirations. People who are open and objective, people who understand their role within society and the part they must play in the Nation Building process. People who are not afraid to ask the hard questions and hold everyone accountable. I only wish that their numbers will continue to grow and their influence grow stronger. So, they may over shadow and drown out the negative influence of the pathetic, brain dead, dysfunctional Diehard, Firebrand Political Party Supporters whom I have not one ounce of respect for.

The State of My Rock, As of: 01/20/2020

  • Jamaica’s unemployment rate is currently 7.2% the lowest in our history- Considering a lot of Jamaicans operate under the radar I suspect this is much lower.
  • Jamaica’s inflation rate as of December 2019 was 6.2% jumped from 3.4% which was recorded in September 2019. Jamaica’s inflation target is between 4% to 6%.
  • Jamaica’s exchange rate is currently JA$142 to US$1
  • Jamaica’s Net International Reserves (NIR) is US$3.1 billion
  • Jamaican economy is expected to record about 1.7% growth in 2019. Jamaica had 19 consecutive quarters of growth.
  • Jamaica’s Debt-to-Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio is expected to be 92% compared to 145% in 2011.
  • Moody's Rating from: B3 to B2, Standard and Poor: From B to B+, Fitch: From Stable to Positive
  • Jamaica 2019 Tourism gross earnings US$3.7 Billion, we have no idea what the net retention total is because if it was impressive they would be talking about it.
  • Jamaica's IMPORTS for January to September 2019 were valued at US$4,816.5 million, an increase of 6.5 per cent when compared to US$4,520.4 million for same period 2018. Jamaica imported US$2,232.6 million from the USA alone. This is 8.9 per cent above the US$2,049.9 million recorded in the period January to September 2018. Jamaica's imports from CARICOM were valued at US$223.6 million.
  • Imports of food were valued at US$762.6 million, 14.1% above the US$668.6 million spent in the 2018 period.
  • EXPORT Revenue amounted to US$1,268.7 million for the current review period, 9.1% lower than the US$1,396.0 million earned in the similar period in 2018. Earnings from total exports to the USA amounted to US$460.2 million. Total exports to Caricom were valued at US$67.9 million, 18.1 per cent above the US$57.5 million earned in the similar January to September 2018 period.
  • Jamaica's Murder Rate: SNAFU (Situation Normal: All Fucked Up) 
  • Jamaica Corruption: SNAFU 

3 Points for Positive Indicators. 
1 Point for No Change Indicators.
-3 Points for negative Indicators

**We do not have the fourth quarter numbers yet.


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