Brexit! An Independence for Idiots

One would think the European Union had invaded the UK, slaughtered anyone who resisted their occupation and enslaved the rest of the population for the next 200 years. Extracting all their wealth then finally leaving them poor, living in ignorance and causing great human suffering.

The way the UK is carrying on, one would never know that the UK joined the European Union by choice, after multiple years of trying to join that union. Being a member of the European Union, the UK sat at the head of table as a major power-broker, mover and shaker. The UK Voted yes on 95% of EU laws but they are now talking rubbish about being independent from the EU, like slaves being released from bondage. They are a bunch of Damn fools.

The fact is they were begging to become a member
  • The UK was the first country to establish a Delegation to the ECSC in 1952 and the first country to sign an Association Agreement with the Community in 1954.
  • The UK's applications to join the EEC in 1963 was vetoed
  • The UK's applications to join the EEC in 1967 was vetoed
  • The UK's applications to join the EEC in 1969 was successful
  • The UK's signed The Treaty of Accession in 1972, the UK was now a member of the EEC
  • The UK's held a national referendum on whether the UK should remain in EEC, 67.2% in favour!
  • In 1979, the UK opted out of the newly formed European Monetary System (EMS)
  • In 1985, the UK ratified the Single European Act
  • In 1990 the UK joined the European Exchange Rate Mechanism
  • In 1992 the UK withdraw from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism
  • In 1993 the EEC became the EU with the Maastricht Treaty.
  • The UK has voted ‘No’ to laws passed at EU on 56 occasions, abstained 70 times, and voted ‘Yes’ 2,466 times. The UK was on the “winning side” 95% of the time, abstained 3% of the time, and were on the losing side only 2%.
The British would like us to think they were conquered, captured, enslaved and subjugated by a wicked totalitarian EU regime with no say in their future. The fact is the UK was free to join and free to leave, after agreeing terms to leave, a total of three times.

Brexit Trade Negotiation:
The European Union would be stupid and irresponsible to give the UK Brexit on the UK terms. It would be like striking a nail into the EU coffin. If the EU gives the UK Brexit on British terms then I hope other EU countries leave that union, what is the use or membership with out the privileges or that membership and is a country that is not a member, can have better or equal terms, then why bother?

The Economic Benefit of the EU:
Every economic studies I have read show the UK benefited greatly from being in the EU when compared to their pre-EU days. The EU, taken as a whole is the UK's largest trading partner.: 45% UK exports & 53% UK imports of goods & services. EU is the largest source of inward investment in UK. In 2013, EU countries accounted for £453bn worth of the stock of inward FDI, or 46% of the total. Over £4bn worth of exports sold by UK to EU each week and the UK accounts for 16% of total EU exports (US 15%, China 8%) UK trade with EU accounts for 12% of UK GDP; EU trade with UK accounts for 2% of EU GDP.

The EU must diversify trade and industry away from the UK giving that market to other EU countries as a reward for being in the union. All EU investments in the UK should relocate to actual member countries. There is no reason why member countries paying their membership dues should sacrifice their future by giving away their industries. The EU must now circle the wagon, making sure EU countries benefit more from EU resources and NOT the UK.

Jamaica and Commonwealth must make sure they do not once again, run to the aid of the UK. We are not going to be apart of any Empire 2.0, especially when we did not want to be a part of Empire 1.0. We must now look towards becoming a Republic, turning our backs on the British Monarchy and relegating the British and their Monarchy the Blood-soaked pages of British History.  We will not be chained or shackled to serve the monarchy, any King or any Empire.

We are not Your Flag Waving Piccaninnies with Watermelon Smiles, waiting for the Big White Chief to touch down in his Big White British Tax-Payer-Funded Bird. Go to hell! 

We know the British are capable of Bribing members of our political class to sell us once against into bondage. There were black slave traders during slavery and there are Black Slave trades existing today in our society. We remember when we were the slums of the Empire and we do not want to go back to those days, [Report of West India Royal Commission (Moyne Report)]. We do not want a White Anglo Saxon King to be the King of Jamaica and the rest of the "Mud-Coloured" Commonwealth members would be stupid to want a King. Every position in our system of Government must have a duty working towards the common good, Nation Building, improving the Standard of living of our people, waving is NOT a Job. The monarchy does not care about our people, Nation or Nation Building, they never have and never will. The British only care about the British, their their own self interest at the expense of everyone else.

Another thing about the British, is that they must have an enemy for them to feel nationalistic and united. They are a people who continually think they are under threat.  Somebody is coming to take back what they stole. They will invite you in, or force their way upon you and the next morning you wake up and all of a sudden, you are public enemy number one. As they circle the wagon against you. We were the River of Blood, "Mud-Coloured-Nig-Nog-Paki-Golliwogs" people of the Commonwealth, who in 15 to 20 years would have the whip-hand over white man and as such we had to go! This after 300 years of them blood sucking our resources.


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