The Great COVID Conspiracy of 2020?

I am trying to get my head around the Coronavirus being a Hoax, but I do not understand to what end. What are the people implementing this Hoax trying to achieve? My understanding of humanity is that humanity only craves two things and that is Power and Money and when it comes to Power and Money, one normally leads to the other or they complement each other. I agree that corporate entities are looking for ways to make a profit from the situation and I agree that Government are taking advantage of the pandemic for a power grab just like they did after 9/11 but I do not believe they unleashed the Coronavirus on societies or that it is a hoax.  
  • Sterilization for Depopulation
  • Nano Technology mini robots in humans
  • Bill Gates

In order to unleash a global hoax of this magnitude one would require all global stakeholders to buy into the process. The entire world's political and economic system would have to be on the same page. I am imagining an organization like SPECTRE (Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion) invaded and taken over all the Governments and corporations of the world and are now implementing their brand of fear on the global population but still to what end?  We cannot get China, the US and Russia to agree to anything much less come together and unleash this dastardly plan. 

I have heard people say, this is a hoax created in order to give us all vaccines but why, to what end, what will that achieve? I know as a result of the pandemic there will be greater demand for the worlds population to be vaccinated which is more a reactionary act to prevent the continued spread which will affect global profits. Airlines will require people be vaccinated to in order to fly, companies will require their employees to be vaccinated and countries will require people visiting that country to be vaccinated. But I do not believe this was a the master plan only the reactionary plan to safeguard profits and population. 

I cannot say I trust the vaccines coming on to the markets 100%, because some were never developed to save humanity but instead a rush to corner the market and make massive profits. I am not saying if proven to work, I will not take it but I have the history of corporations on my side and as such they are not to be trusted 100%. However if we have a proven product with no side effects then it should be taken. 

I can imagine these pharmaceutical multinational corporation are burying the negative effects of their vaccines and only pushing the positives. They have done it before and will do it again because human greed knows no limits. 

Pfizer accused of testing new drug without ethical approval

AMY GOODMAN: In 1996, Pfizer’s researchers selected 200 children at an epidemic hospital in Nigeria for an experimental drug trial. About a hundred of the kids were given an untested oral version of the antibiotic Trovan. Researchers did not obtain signed consent forms, and medical personnel said Pfizer did not tell their parents their children were getting the experimental drug. Eleven children died. Others suffered disabling injuries including deafness, muteness, paralysis, brain damage, loss of sight, slurred speech.

The details of the case were first exposed in 2000 in an investigative series in the Washington Post. In 2007, Nigerian officials brought criminal and civil charges against Pfizer in a multi-billion-dollar lawsuit.

Just remember Mansanto and Round up, they were forced to payout 10 Billion and still fighting in courts. Tobacco companies hide the truth about cigarettes and in 2013 tobacco companies paid more than $100 billion to US state governments as part of a 25-year, $246 billion settlement. OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma pleads guilty in criminal case. Purdue Pharma pleaded guilty Tuesday to three criminal charges, formally taking responsibility for its part in an opioid epidemic that has contributed to hundreds of thousands of deaths. The list goes on and on, sector after sector continue to put profits over human lives. 

The pharmaceutical group GlaxoSmithKline has been fined $3bn (£1.9bn) after admitting bribing doctors and encouraging the prescription of unsuitable antidepressants to children. Glaxo is also expected to admit failing to report safety problems with the diabetes drug Avandia in a district court in Boston on Thursday.

In the USA, they have amended the The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act), which was updated in April, stipulates that companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries caused by medical countermeasures for Covid-19. Such countermeasures include vaccines, therapeutics, and respiratory devices. So they are seeking protection up front. 
In 2016, a vaccine meant to protect children from the dengue virus made the disease worse. A vaccine developed for the swine flu, wound up causing a serious neurological disorder in thousands of healthy people who took it in the 1970s.

I have heard others say they (who are they?) want to reduce the global population but again to what end? I cannot see how making Money factors into this because the global economy is down and shrinking very fast and nothing Governments and corporations hate more than to lose money. I have been told they want to control us (seriously who are they?) by locking us in our homes but to what end? By locking us in our homes they are hemorrhaging money, losing control and the system is getting poorer. The world is heading into a Global recession, more people are unemployed and governments are driving up national debts trying to finance unemployed people with limited tax dollars.  So, I am at a loss. If any of you can enlighten me then I will be most grateful. 

The world is desperate to return to normal, desperation is control and control is profitable. I just hope that when the vaccines hit the market that they are safe for us and will protect us.  Stay Safe!


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