Disunited States of America - Gun Fetish

I remember after 9/11 I saw American unity on display for the world to see. It did not matter what race or religion they were, at that time none of that mattered because they were all Americans. It reminded me of that famous quote by Isoroku Yamamoto after the Pearl Harbor attack. “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve”. I am not sure if that quote was real or something made up to sell a movie, but the 9/11 attacks reminded me of that moment. It was also at that time that I heard defiant Americans with flags waving declaring that “These colors don't run”. That unity was beautiful and wonderful to watch. However, all that American unity lasted about a week or two tops, before it was back to American disunity.

No Symbolic Unity For these people.

NEW YORK - A statue based on the famous photograph of the flag-raising at the World Trade Center site is being criticized because the three white firefighters in the picture have been transformed into one white, one black and one Hispanic (A symbolic show or American unity). Some firefighters and their families say the 19-foot bronze is political correctness run amok and an attempt to rewrite history. 

Forget Apple Pie, there is nothing more American or as American as guns! I will never understand the American obsession with guns. The gun seems to be everything to most Americans, it defines who they are as a people and without it they would not complete. To an American there can be no freedom without guns and no guns without freedom. Americans defines and measure their freedom by how easy it is for them to access guns, form armed militias and terrorize main street. 

To most Americans, any country that limits access to weapons and do not give their citizens the right to bear arms, are not free countries. Americans cannot understand why any society would support and implement weapons of death restrictions and as such they regard the people of these countries as being oppressed. Even when it is the people themselves who define and implements their gun restriction laws. From birth most Americans are engineered to worship guns and to see it as a vital part of their Republic!

However, the rights to an education or healthcare are not a vital requirement to their freedom or republic. So, what we have is a lot of unhealthy, mentally ill, Ignorant and semi-literate people with the constitutional right to own as much weapons of death as they want. I think after making the second constitutional amendment giving Americans the right to own guns, they should have made the third amendment the right to own a toaster or a screwdriver because its that stupid.

Americans are always trying to justify the Second Amendment, they will go on and on about the American war of Independence, as if they are the only country to have a war of independence.  They over justify the Second Amendment to the point where they have engineered that justification for the second amendment into their society. 

Yes, every society have bad people, but the USA seems to create bad people and then use those bad people as the reason why they need guns. How else can one explain why one of the richest countries on this planet, fail so badly at human development and social engineering. It is by design, to feed the for-profit prison industrial complex and to justify the second amendment driving profits for weapons manufactures. Please see he Human Development Index published by the United Nation where one of the richest country on the planet, the USA is 15th on the list. A deep dive into the index will show just where the USA is failing. 

A report by the The Economist Intelligence Unit, reveals a host of unsettling statistics about the scope of democracy around the globe.  One such fact — that for the first time ever, the United States is no longer considered a “full democracy,” but rather a “flawed democracy”. The U.S. has been demoted from a full democracy to a flawed democracy for the first time, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

Almost every nation on this planet have been through some kind of armed conflict both local and foreign but they are not as obsessed with guns like the USA. Contrary to popular belief, revolution and war of independence is not specific to the USA and the USA does not have more freedom than most other develop and developing countries. Just take a look at the Human Freedom Index published by the CATO Institute.  

“I'll give you my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands" 

There is something abnormal about American’s obsession with their guns, it is almost to the level of being a pornographic fetish. They believe mass ownership of guns is what is keeping their republic and freedom together, but it looks more and more that the USA is a country on the verge civil war due to the mass ownership of guns. The mass ownership of weapons of death is more a threat to the American Republic and freedom. 

Americans Versus Americans
Americans are not arming themselves out of fear for foreign invasions. Americans are arming themselves out of fear and hatred of other Americans. Americans view other Americans as the enemy, a threat and are arming themselves to go to war with other Americans. They have divided themselves into warring factions, right down religious, political, racial and blue states vs red states lines while performing weekly armed posturing down main street USA. Having that many ignorant people running around with high powered weapons of death is a recipe for disaster. They see anyone who do not believe what they believe as the enemy and a threat to be eliminated and it is only a matter of time, until armed posturing turns to armed conflicts.  

The Dis-United States is at war with itself!


The American system was supposed to be built on compromise, the middle road, the best fit trying to make sure everyone gets a little something out of the deal but that mindset is changing as people become more totalitarian not willing to compromise, it is their way or death!. On top of the yearly mass murders we are seeing violent riots, peaceful riots attacked by violent people, and murders. 

Delusional Rightwing Religious Nuts, forget Muslim Extremist

Failed American Coup
Ever since Trump was elected the US has always been one tweet away from disaster, one tweet away from a civil war and on January 6th, 2020 the USA came very close to having that Civil war. The United States under Trump has become a very unstable country and a flawed democracy.

State and Federal legislators invaded by armed factions with plans to kidnap democratically elected officials and force a change in government by Coup d'état. Armed men arrested for making plans to attack a voting center.

Americans Trying to Murder other Americans!


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