Bending The Knee, Racist Policing and Perceptions

Is there anything more docile and less threatening than Bending the Knee? It is the ultimate symbol of submission, subjugation, servitude, and begging, as in when a man begs for a woman's hand in marriage. So why would this simple peaceful act of going down on one’s knee, cause so much hate and treated like violent terrorism. The way some white people are reacting to it, one would think people going down on their knees were taking their first born and raping their women.

I am told that taking the knee is very divisive, but I fail to see how. In what way is a person going down on their knees threatening or divisive? The fact is, it really does not matter how Black people protest, it does not matter what we do, because everything we do seems threatening and divisive to some white people who would just rather we shut up and suffer in silence.


If you over police one section of society based on race, while under policing another section of society based on race. You will get the statistics and the narratives that you want. The British has long since understood the importance of controlling the narratives. It is one of the reasons why their Colonial Empire was so successful. They use it to control hearts, minds and the keep people ignorant of the facts.

If they control what people think, then they control how people act.

Just look at the Euros 2020 to see a fine example of bias under policing. White people can act any way they like, it was the most violent, destructive, and disrespecting anti-social event with almost no police in sight and minimal amount of arrest. Meanwhile when ever one or more black people gather the police is sent out in force, engaging them in the most negative and counterproductive way, hoping to provoke a negative reaction, so they can run to the media with their negative narratives of the event. 

US Police for example uses a certain tactic when they are being witnessed and they want to beat the bejesus out of a person. They would publicly beat and manhandle a suspect like a ragdoll while shouting STOP RESISTING! Any movement of the suspect as a result of being beaten, coupled with the shout of STOP RESISTING, give people witnessing the event, the perception that the suspect was resisting the police officers. 

I will not lie, I have travelled to many countries but as a black person, no other country scares me more than the self proclaimed leader of the free world and the bastion of pretend human rights where all men are suppose to be equal. It must be a living hell to be black in the U.S. of A. Because in the USA you are not a man or woman, when you are black.  Their objective is to try and put as much black people as possible in their for profit prison industrial complex.

Music festivals in the UK are full of drugs and violence but you would never know because the police do not engage white people going to music festivals and if they do, then it is not on the same aggressive level like how they engaged black people. An inquest examined the deaths of six young people who died during or just after attending music festivals in NSW between December 2017 and January 2019. All died because of taking MDMA or ecstasy. Five of the six also had other drugs in their system.

BBC News Headline: Music festivals: What can be done to stop drug deaths? Well, Try aggressively searching each person 4 times like how you search black people. 

A friend of mine in London, walking on the street at the time of the London West Indian Carnival said he was stopped and searched a total of 4 times by the time he entered a street and the time he left that street and he was not going to the festival. Individuals at the carnival are constantly being stopped and search, over and over. Everyone knows that once you have West Indians gathering there is bound to be people with some weed, a stick of weed and reggae goes together. So, the police are counting on that to create their narrative and statistics they and the media wants.

In the UK a judge said a knee to the neck is OK!

At the 2019 West Indian Carnival, there were Two and a Half Million People, the police declared that they arrested 350 people. 162 were for possession of small amount of weed, and 37 were for assaults on police officers, if you believe these racist lying far-right police officers. The media ran with it on turbo blast. It was the main headline. 

In the UK black people are 11 times more likely to be stopped compared to white people. The British media made the West Indian Carnival look like what was happening at the Euros and they made the Euros look like the West Indian Carnival. In the US black people are 20 times more likely to get stopped, often time to and from work. In the UK Notting Hill West Indian Carnival often comes with some amount of violence and it does not matter if this violence comes in 1, 2 or 10 because the British media will treat it like 100 people killed and 500 injured. They anticipate violence, expect violence and want violence to push the narrative that we are violent, inferior, not British and does not belong.

The British media is the most racist institution on planet earth! They are a blunt instrument and a tool for the Racist British Government and every far right, racist Nazi groups.   

Listen to the Police, if they were black they would be dead.



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