Happy Semi-Independence Jamaica

Happy Semi-Independence Day, as full Independence would mean the Republic of Jamaica and not the Monarchy of Jamaica, which is our official title. Semi-Independent Jamaica is 59. In the scheme of things and compared to other countries we are still in our infant stage as a country.

Jamaica is a country with a lot of potentials, we could have achieved so much more as a people, if we only we were more disciplined and applied ourselves to the process of Progressive Nation Building. However, after Independence we did not think or operate as a collective, or for the greater good and in the national interest. For a while we tried the Social Engineering experiment and made some good improvements, but we abandoned Social Engineering and embraced the less unifying, “Every Man for Himself” capitalistic concept. This concept of “Every Man for Himself” is disunity and worked better for external powers who wanted to have their ways with us.

I will be the first to say that after 59 years of Semi-Independence, Jamaica has NOT achieved her full potentials and in many areas, we Zigged when we should have Zagged. Let’s hope we make more progress in the next 59 years. Let’s hope we create a more egalitarian progressive society where all Jamaicans get the opportunity to achieve their full potentials. A society where we instill respect, moral and values at the heart our human development efforts. As a society we need to change the definition of success and progress. Success and progress are not materialism and big fancy flashy things. These things almost never lead to happiness and contentment but only encourages greed and selfishness.


I am a Jamaican and I love being a Jamaican. I am never ashamed of being a Jamaican and in fact there is no one else I would rather be, but a Jamaican. Yes, we are not a rich, mover and shaker country and looking at the state of the planet, I do not want us to be. Most of us are only 3 or 4 generation out of poverty. People my age knows how it use to be and what we went through and with all that I would still rather be a Jamaican than anyone else on this planet. I was very happy growing up, some would say spoiled and I would never trade my experiences in life. I love my life growing up on this little rock in the middle of the Caribbean Sea.

Independence and Freedom coupled with Responsibility and Discipline guarantees that we will always make the right decision, the best decision for the collective good of all the people and the future of Jamaica. Nation Building decisions must benefits the many above the few.

  • Independence and Freedom means absolutely nothing without a strong sense Responsibility and Discipline. 
  • Equality, Social-Justice, Self-Reliance, and Discipline are wonderful principles to live by and we should try to instill these principles back into our society.
  • Political Tribalism will be the death of us, as we are way too small and too poor to survive this crab in a barrel mentality.
  • Jamaica is a country with so many potentials, we could achieve so much as a people if we apply our selves but we do not think or operate as a collective.


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