Western First World Media vs Black and Brown Indigenous People
For people in the Black and Brown Developing third world the foreign press is notorious for being one sided and unfair. There is a reason why the media in white western first world, reports mostly about the negative underbelly of Black and Brown developing countries. There is a fully developed, well defined, tried and true method to their madness. They know what they are doing, they know why they are doing it and they know what they are trying to achieve.
The media is a vital part of the White Western First World Order. It was developed around the concepts of Domination, Subjugation, Superiority, and Inferiority. The media is a weapon used to control hearts, minds and to keep people ignorant of the facts. If they control what people think and how people think about themselves and others, then they can control how people act and controlling how people act is both powerful and profitable.
Why is it that the foreign press mostly reports negative, counterproductive things about the indigenous Black and Brown developing world? What are they trying to achieve?
After every report about the Brown and Black developing world, the White Western First World always come away feeling good and superior about themselves and the Brown and Black world always come away feeling inferior and bad about themselves. The people of the indigenous Brown and Black world are colonially conditioned to always seek the White Western First World Order’s approval and acceptance, which will never happen, however dangled on a string for effect. The Western Media is one avenue by which black and brown people validate themselves. It is an indicator of success or failure, good or bad.
Every negative report devalues the developing world, both in the minds of the White Western First World and the people of the Developing World. We begin to see ourselves as inferior because we are told over and over that we are inferior and no good. The White Western Media devalues us and anything that is devalued becomes cheap. All our wealth resources can now be acquired at bargain basement prices with little or no investment in human development. This is buy low sell high at its very best.
Going out for Bread and milk?
As far as the international press is concerned there is only one Jamaica and they call that Jamaica the "Real Jamaica". This Real Jamaica is always violent, poor, suffering and it is the only Jamaica they care about and want the world to see. If any other Jamaica exist and it does, then they do not want to know about it and they certainly do not want the world to know about it because as far as they are concerned, any other Jamaica is fake Jamaica. This is the Poverty Porn that the White Western Developed World is addicted to because it makes them feel good about themselves. In this "Real Jamaica" we all dodge bullets every morning going out to the store for bread and milk.
For a very long time the only information I got about Africa came from the white western first world order. If we go by what they show us then Africa is a disgusting, poverty stricken, starving, violent and warring continent, and nothing good can ever come from it and we should be happy that White people capture us and enslave us. They want us to believe that slavery was a humanitarian escape from something even worse. With the invention of the world wide web and the internet coupled with an explosion of African Content, produce by Africans, we are now able to experience Africa in a completely different way, a more realistic way.
Until the Lion tells his side of the story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the Hunter.
Heading out for Bread and milk?
No one is saying that some of the things being shown by the White Western First World is fake, what we are saying is that, as in the case of Jamaica, it is not the entire story. The bad negative, counterproductive news that is played continuously on a loop for centuries, represents how they want everyone to think about Black and Brown indigenous people. The only information I normally see about Jamaica in the foreign media is bad, negative and counterproductive. That is how they define countries like Jamaica to the world.
To them there is no multi-dimensional social and economic structures within Jamaica or Africa or any other Brown and Black countries. We are one dimensional, not multi-dimensional like the developed first world. To them there are no socio-economic layers in Black and brown countries, we are just violent, poor and suffering and if they do not give us aid, we would die.
"Jackass seh wurl nuh level"
The African congress declared the other day that they would rather buy their COVID vaccine and not depend on donation. However buying your own vaccine would rob the White Western First World of the narratives they spent centuries developing. As African countries struggle to secure enough Covid-19 vaccines, thousands of doses go to waste. Uganda, for example, has announced a deal for millions of vaccines from AstraZeneca, at a price of $7 a dose—more than three times what the European Union (EU) paid for the same jab. Including transport fees, it will cost $17 to fully vaccinate one Ugandan. They do not want them to buy vaccines, they want us to rely on donations, the whites man's burden is alive and well.
As far as the White Western Media is concern anyone in the indigenous Brown and Black world who do not fit their stereotypical views of "Real" is corrupt, criminal, and oppressing the poor.
Not "Real Jamaica"?
I once had to show an American friend around the island, and I made a point of giving her the most realistic view of Jamaica. I wanted her to see the different socio-economic layers hoping she would come away with a sense of normality. We are just people, like every other people, with the same experiences and desires.
But what she ended up doing was only defining Jamaica by the low-income poor and suffering communities we visited. It was as if she did not see any middle, upper-middle, and upper-income communities, even when she was staying right smack in the middle of it. She came to Jamaica looking for what the Western Media told her about Jamaica and was blind to every and anything else. Her American sense of ignorant superiority and exceptionalism would not allow any logical analysis of the country.
When I called her on it, she said they were pretending to be Americans, trying to be like us. It was as if the concept of middle, upper-middle and upper-income were registered trademarks and patents of the United States of America and we were using it without permission. She said, I saw homeless street people and i responded, I also saw homeless street people in the US and UK and several other countries I visited, so why does mine define me and yours do not.
White Western World Media do not want to show Brown and Black people regardless of location in a good light because it undermines the concept of White Superiority. However, the real problem comes when Brown and Black people believe the narratives about themselves and others. This is why we will never unite.
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