White Supremacy, Trade Wars and Ukraine War
White Supremacy The U.S. Census Bureau projected that the U.S. would become a majority-minority country between 2040 and 2050. This means that non-Hispanic white people will no longer make up most of the U.S. population. Almost everything happening in the United States, is happening simply because of the above projection by the U.S. Census Bureau which shocked the hell out of White Americans. I read once that there were about 450 thousand illegal Europeans living in the USA and I am sure if all 450 thousand stripped naked and danced in front of ICE Headquarters buck naked, ICE agents would not even look in their direction because they are not seen as a problem and are in fact welcomed. ICE exist to remove Black and Brown people from the United States of America. ICE has been weaponized to prevent or slow down the U.S. Census Bureau projection of non-Hispanic white people becoming the minority. The American president is also trying to increase white migration to the United States, eve...