Borrowing Chinese Money for Vanity Projects

One thing about Chinese loans is that they never force you to borrow their money and they never tell you what to spend the borrowed money on. Their approach is more like; we have some money to lend you and so what do you want to build? In the past we have had strings attached loans from the USA and UK sources and they dictate what we can spend the loan on, like importing potatoes from the USA.

Asking if you want a loan and what do you want to build are questions that can only be asked of and answered by, mature people with vision, innovation, and imagination. Because the answers to these questions must be centered around our collective needs as a society and not what we want.

We see some African countries when faced with Chinese money, go directly to what they want bypassing their country’s needs. Angola decided to borrow Chinese money and built a huge mainly uninhabited city called Kilamba Kiaxi.

Borrowing money to build vanity projects is dangerous especially when you are a poor third world developing country. Which is why I can never support our Government borrowing money to build a new Parliament and Foreign affairs building because we do not need those buildings. Yes, they are nice to have but they are not a requirement to our immediate needs.

Jamaica needs well-designed, functioning water harvesting, storage, and distribution system to serve the people in the 21st century and beyond. Jamaica needs to put in place fundamental development infrastructures, that are a requirement to social and economic developments that will take us into the future.

Instead of borrowing money to build a new Foreign Affairs building, it would have been best to use that money to build a new state of the art Prison designed around rehabilitation of inmates. We also see in the news that in 2021, Jamaica still have some rural communities without running water.

I do not understand how a new Parliament Building or a new foreign affair building or any other over the top fancy looking High-rise buildings, takes precedence over things like water and other fundamental infrastructure projects. Proving once again that we know the price of everything and the true value of nothing.

The Parliament building we have now and the Foreign affairs building we have now is NOT fit for purpose. Building new ones will not change that. Because it is not the building that is the problem but the people who we elect to go into those buildings. They are not fit for purpose.

With regards to the new Foreign Affairs building, might as well Jamaica move its foreign affairs ministry into the Overlords Compound on Liguanea, because we know who run things anyway or just outsource it to Liguanea and done. One should not have a Foreign Affairs Ministry and throw money at it, if one is spineless!


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