Jamaicans Dumber than a bag of Rocks? 65% with No Examination Passes

65% Of Jamaicans Aged 25-54 Have No Examination Passes at Secondary Level

Dumber than a bag of Rocks.

I am told I am too harsh but there is really no way to sugarcoat this dysfunctional turn of events. There was a time when we pride ourselves on academic achievements making up for lost times during slavery and colonization, when we were denied education. 

In the 1970s Jamaica made a big push to educate as much of our citizens as possible because no nation building can take place without an educated population. Back then the increased earnings from the Bauxite Levy which boasted Jamaica's earnings from US$23 Million to US$195 Million, allowed Jamaica to implement a system of free education and free adult education (JAMAL). Education was free for both secondary schools and university education. 


The Government also implemented, free uniform for primary school children and a nutrition programme to provide free lunches for students because poor children cannot learn on an empty stomach. The Government also started a compulsory National Youth Service Programme for High School graduates to teach in schools. The Children were now teaching the parents (JAMAL) how to read and write. 

This is a system in which I benefited from, I was given access to free education, free uniforms and free lunches and I was not about to waste it, I did not take it for granted.   

Fast forward to current times and our current population is denying themselves an education. Our ancestors must be rolling in their damn graves. Waste their time fighting for freedom and independence because clearly Freedom and Independence is wasted on Jamaicans. It is as if Jamaicans are genetically predisposed to being ignorant and damn stupid. How can a people learn nothing from their history, but wonder through life like ignorant idiots? 

IS this all, the useless and worthless people could come to? Might as well Britain still enslaved us, at least we would have an excuse for our failures as human beings and a Nation, because it seems we are dumber than a bag of rocks. One would think looking at were we are coming from as a people, we would try to reverse the years of slavery and ignorance very fast and progress as a nation instead basking in our own ignorance. I have never been so embarrassed in my life to be a Jamaican.

The average Jamaican ambition is NOT to have any damn ambition in life! Because if we did, then this would not be our reality. We are not evolving as a nation but becoming more primitive. The dancehall minded mentality is now stewed to dysfunctional perfection and we are now seeing the diminishing returns. Jamaica is now outputting sub humans. We see it in how the people communicate and how poorly they solve simple problems before them.    

We are who we are simply because, we have developed this sense of entitlement, greed, selfishness, nastiness, self-importance and a callous disregard for good morals and values. It is about time we stop using poverty as an excuse for not having any morality, self-respect, personal responsibility, and basic human decency...

75% Of Working Men Have No Formal Qualifications Compared To 55% Of Women – STATIN

The literacy rate of Trinidad and Tobago for 2010 was 98.7 per cent, coming from 96.9 per cent in 1990, and 95.0 per cent in 1980.

The literacy rate of Barbados for 2014 was 99.6 per cent. The Antigua and Barbuda literacy rate for 2015 was 99.0 per cent. For 2014 the Grenada literacy rate was 98.6 per cent, and for 1970 the literacy rate for St Vincent and the Grenadines was 95.6 per cent.

Survey of Living Conditions paints dismal picture of low exam passes

65% Of Jamaicans Aged 25-54 Have No Examination Passes at Secondary Level, According to Survey


  1. Calm down man. We can't make a broad statement as such, no passes does mean we are dumb. It means we have done a poor job communicating the need for people to attempt taking the exams. My goal is to head back down to JA and encourage students at my old school to make an attempt at the English and math exams. My plan is to pay for tutoring on Saturday's, bus fare or credit for internet access and the two exams. I will also incentivize the tutors, the higher the pass rate, the higher the bonus.

    Jamaica as a country is structurally demotivating. Low pay for the masses, nepotism, old boy/girl school, friends, which part a town you are from, yadda yadda. When you have to eat, passes is not your primary concern.

    I encourage you to look internally, to see how you are contributing or not to to the number of passes. My goal above is primarily exposure to the exams. Passes will be a bonus.

    As a side note I enjoy your postings. Peace.


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