Facebook Jail - Racist People and Racist Algorithms

I was once put in Facebook Jail for declaring that "Tourist are like warts on the backside of humanity". Because I was sick of being harassed by them, asking me for drugs while I try to relax in my own country. 

The Times and The Sunday Times published an article where “The American civil rights leader Rev Jesse Jackson has rejected the findings of the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities, saying that the British Empire’s role in the slave trade meant the country “owns racism and people know it”? 

As a result every delusional British person crawled out from under their rocks to denounced Rev Jesse Jackson and declare Britain as not racist, never was and he should go fix racism in his own country. 

I responded within context of the article with the following:

As a result of me responding, I can only assume that several delusional British citizens took exception to my statement and reported it to the Sheriff of Facebook, who informed me of the following:

I was placed in Facebook Jail. What I said goes along with what was reported on Facebook by Rev Jesse Jackson, that Britain “owns racism and people know it". It was within context!

"Until the story of the hunt is told by the lion, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter."

The hunter is still trying to control the story of the hunt, Facebook proved to me that the hunter is very much still in control of the narratives. Social media has been weaponized by the white western first world, to enforce their narratives. It is a blunt instrument wielded by hunters.  

I have been personally attacked many times on Facebook and Instagram and I reported those attacks and got no protection, they would respond.  "We reviewed the comment that you reported and found that it doesn't go against any of our Community Standards. For this reason, we didn't take the comment down." So I wonder,  "is this a Black thing?", who are these people reviewing comments. The review of the comments is only as good as the reviewers. 

Like Rev Jesse Jackson my response is within the Historical context of British Empire, Slavery and  Colonization and their failure to connect the dots showing its effects on the world today. How is that hate speech? Indigenous people of the former Colonial Empire no longer takes the British narrative on history because it was designed and engineered to make the British Benevolent.    

I get lots of messages and comments like these and I have YET to see Facebook come to my rescue even after reporting some of them.

I can only assume that Facebook agrees with both Andrew Walker and Ant Goldworthy, since they are free to do and say what ever the frack they want with no repercussion. 

I am in no way afraid of Facebook jail and see it as a badge of honour because what I am talking about is a system and a process and not individuals. I almost never target an Individual but instead target institutions of oppression of which Facebook and Instagram is a part of. The investigation is only as good as the person doing the investigation. Social media is a place where everyone takes offense or try to force everyone to conform to the one world order and narrative. That is NOT me. I am not a conformist and will continue to stick with historical facts in the face of lying Delusional Narratives. 

In response to Texas Guns for All without background checks I said. 

As a result my account was Restricted for about 30 days for 9 words. 

I find a lot of people from the UK to be historically needy. They want you to tell them that they are great colonial overlords and slave masters. They want you to tell them that the British Empire was Benevolent and saved us from a faith worse than death, our brown and blackness. I was told many times, that I should thank the UK for slavery and colonization because if it was not for slavery and colonization, I would not get to exist in Jamaica but in Africa. 

I was told that if it was not for the British I would not be civilized and would not be eating with knife and fork. They want us to tell them that Slavery, Colonization, Subjugation and Empire was more beneficial to us than it was to them. That for them, it was the "The white mans burden!" to save the savages from themselves. And when you do not conform to their narratives, they go crying to the weaponized Social Media police.  



Take for example the headline from a news media saying “Government Report says, the UK is not a Racist Country”, if you respond to the article saying “The UK is a Racist Country” then, some Brits will take offense to you declaring their country racist and report your post. As per Facebook this is hate speech and you have broken their rules and you will be placed in Jail because the Facebook AI have no sense of context, responding within the subject matter and the context of the article. They can say the UK is NOT a Racist Country but you cannot say the UK is a Racist Country. 

So I posted this on my Page and was told by Facebook that I am back in Jail 

When I protested, they said sorry

American Activist, Shaun King Posted a story on his Facebook page. I used Facebook share button to share what Shaun King posted. I shared once and  for that I was placed in Facebook jail for not following Facebook Community Standards. I added nothing to the Shaun King's post. I simply just shared it as is, verbatim. If Facebook do not want something shared, then Facebook should make the original un-sharable, issues a warning about sharing it or deleting the Original so no one can share it. So, now I am wondering, who is administering Facebook? A member of the proud boys?

What is the use of having people who are historically, culturally and Geographically illiterate as Moderators. If the water in the well is dirty then the water taken from the well will also be dirty. These Facebook and Instagram moderators have no sense of context and objectivity and some suffers from the same traits as right wing hatemongering nutters.

Facebook had an article that the US Government was allocating 10s of Billions of dollars to help people who are mainly white off Opioid. It was amazing to me that there was no mention of criminality. So I said: 

I was blocked for a while with this one. Facebook do not like you comparing hypocritical responses when it comes to race.  


I now post on my Facebook page that it is exit stage left time. "It is no longer if but when. If you nuh see me, mi gone. Reducing my social media footprint." I am whining down my connection to Facebook. I will request a content download and at some time in the future remove myself from the segregated lunch counter. I know I will not be missed but it is not being done for anyone. It is being done for me and me alone. I grow tired.

It is amazing to me that the British can express outrage about a black woman (Jodie Turner-Smith) playing a white woman (Anne Boleyn). Stating that it is not historical or factually correct. However, they get so upset when anyone delivers historical facts about the British empire. Because the British only want their narratives.  

I stated on another post that the reason why British Colonialism was so successful was because the British practice the divide and conquer methodology. Whenever the colonial overlords wanted to implement anything draconian and brutal, they would always use members of the subjugated and conquered indigenous community to attack their own people, in British interest. The British could always get the black Africans to attack black Africans, the Indians to attack other Indians, the Irish to attack other Irish and the Scottish to attack Scottish all in the name of the British and for British interest at the expense of local interest. This is within factual Historical context of how British Colonialism and the Empire worked. In Jamaica the British agreed to the freedom of the maroons, ONLY if the Maroons help the British to fight their enemies and capture and return runaway slaves back to the slavery plantation. But as per Frat-boy Facebook this goes against their Community Standards. 


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