Are Jamaicans Dodging Bullets getting Bread, Milk and coffee at Cafe Blue?

A friend of mine in Brooklyn, NY installed an application on his phone called a "Citizen App". This application sends out notifications about what is happening in his zip code. He said after installing it, he now has a better understand of how constant bombardment of  negative news can affect ones perception.

The application was installed at 9:00 am and by 12:00 noon, there were 2 car crashes, 6 murders, a bank robbery and 2 women fighting on 8th Ave. Reports of shot fired. A report of a person with a gun and one person struck by jeep, more shots fired, Man shot on E 18th and Church Ave and building on fire, Man and woman shot. 

Ignorance is Bliss, because he was very comfortable and felt secure in his zip code before he got the Citizen App but now he was not so sure.  

In Jamaica, we prioritize reporting bad negative news, we are addicted to it and love to circulate it. In Jamaica bad news comes fast, furious, and gruesome then goes viral on social media. If anything Good is happening in Jamaica then the world would never know about it, because Jamaicans do not report good news. 

My friend said most of these incidents would never make the nightly news in the USA. In fact 99% of the information coming over the Citizen App will never make it to the nightly news or printed press. So, people living in his zip code will continue to have the perception that they are safe and sound.  

But NOT SO IN Jamaica... Jamaica turbo blast negative news globally... It gives the impression that everyone in Jamaica is dodging bullets daily, going out for bread, milk and coffee at Cafe Blue.


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