All Hail Queen Elaine Thompson-Herah and King Asafa Powel

The Government issued new protocols on how the ordinary simpleminded public should behave when they are in the presence of Track Royalty Elaine Thompson-Herah and Asafa Powel. The Public is advised that when in the presence of these Royalties, to get on their knees and bow with their faces firmly in the dirt.The public is also advised not to make eye contact with the Special Ones and only get off the ground when they are at least 50 meters away. Anyone found engaging with the Specials Ones will be publicly whipped! The national laboratories are also testing the Special Ones excrements to see if it can make Patty. All Hail Queen Harah and King Asafa!” 

Their Podcast was an attack on the Jamaican people. Personality is everything, I have the utmost respect for people who achieved in life, be all they can be and remain humble, nice people. Up until now I had no problem with Elaine Thompson-Herah and Asafa Powel, until I watch this podcast then I realize their personality suck because they are arrogant attention seeking whores. I do not care how fast they can run and how much gold they got along the way. 

They came off as having a God Complex, demanding to be worshipped. Culturally we are not a people who chase after famous and being a part of that culture they should know that. That does not mean we do not respect you and your achievements it just means we are not overburdened by a hero worshipping complex. Another point is that they are public facing people, they live their lives in the public's domain and when you do that, no matter who you are and where you live, you open yourself up to public opinions, some positive and some negative. If you cannot properly deal with that then maybe living in the public's domain is not for you.  


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