Reggae Attacking Real Reggae - The Message should be Love

Real Reggae is message music. The message of reggae should be conscious, progressive, uplifting, revolutionary and nation building because reggae wants us to be the best version of ourselves. Reggae wants us to have self-respect, morals, values, love, and respect for our fellow man. You do not have to be a Rasta to deliver the message of reggae but if you are a true Rasta, you must deliver this message. 

The Message is Love! I am not a Rasta, nor am I religious, in fact I am not a fan of the religious and their religion because most are hypocrites. However, I love the natural organic nature of Rasta, it is more in-tune with my own views and outlook on life. One does not need to be religious to have morals and values. Nothing is more important to me than progressive, uplifting, revolutionary and nation building message of reggae, pushing self-respect, morals, values, and love for ourselves and our fellow human beings. This is the message we need to continuously push on our young people. 

Lately I have been coming across several Rasta Reggae artist, Rasta people and dancehall artist attacking other artist who have done nothing but push conscious, progressive, uplifting, revolutionary and nation building Reggae Music. Many of these people are obsessed with the perceived sexuality of the artist. They declared that maybe in her private life, the artist might be gay and as such this disqualifies him or her from delivering the message of real reggae. 

I do not care who is Rasta and who is not Rasta. What I do care about is the message in the music. The only message I respect and tolerate is progressive, uplifting conscious lyrics based on good morals, values, inter-human relationships and human development. The only artist I respect are those pushing this type of message music. Reggae must empower people, reggae must uplift people and make people want to be the best version of themselves. 

Our culture must be part of the progressive Nation Building process. I do not care about the artist private life, so long as they are not hurting anyone. what one “Consenting Human Adult ” decides to do with another “Consenting Human Adult” is none of my damn business, I do not care, it has nothing to do with me. Your religion and religious views plays no part in my decision making process, I am free of that burden. I value people based on how productive they are to society, how balance and well socialized they are, how they treat other people with respect. I value people on whether they are kind to animals and Kind to each other and respect the laws of the land and the environment.

Reggae Revival Artist like Koffee and Lila do not sing about sex, and violence as a way of life. They are not singing about who to cock up, who fi jock up and who fah red fi dig out or lick out. Nor are they singing about death, murder and destruction. Most of their music are feel good, nice vibes music delivering good progressive lyrics to young people. There is nothing sexual or violent about it. I have never heard Koffee declaring herself as Rasta, maybe she did but I never heard it. I have never regarded her as Rasta but a progressive human being wanting the best for humanity through her music. Telling people to turn away from negativity and embrace livity and one does not have to be a Rasta to do that.  

Koffee is not pushing gayness and she is not pushing counterproductive death and destruction, murder music. Yet these bad-mind Rasta’s are quiet when it comes to murder death and destruction counterproductive music and the dutty DJ who spouts it, because duppy know who fih frighten.  

When dutty dancehall artist Mavado sings: “Mi cut a newborn throat, cause you know me nuh play” 

Where was the outrage from these Rasta’s who cannot deal with the idea of Koffee’s perceived private sexuality.

Alkaline – Microwave: “.357 Buss it splash him all over di place, head over deh so. Foot chop off a grung a wiggle and a shake, nuh weh fi tun go. No weh fi run go. Throw tire pon you, gas light you and bun you.”

If you dissect and analyze the lyrical content of these dutty-dancehall artist, then you will understand why the murder rate is so high and our society is failing. Our popular culture normalizes counterproductive, dysfunctional murderous lifestyle and real reggae artist are afraid to call out the likes of Kartel, Alkaline and Mavado to name a few. 

Social media is littered with dysfunctional DUTTY-DANCEHALL music and lifestyle. A person on Facebook posted a dance hall video and, in that video, a young woman was thrown on a table. She spread her legs and then the man took out a bottle of hot pepper sauce and began to pour it between her legs to cheers, excitement, and merriment of a crowd of on-lookers, including children. This is the type of behavior that we are now reduced to, where hot sauce poured between a woman’s legs is entertainment. 

But the people circling the wagon around Koffee and Lila Ike trying to tear them down, are silent in the face of such destruction.



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