Reparations MUST be Nation Building

Taken From: Reparations or Wealth Redistribution?

Reparation is not about an individual nor is it about a person’s percentage of blackness. Reparations is about Nation States created out of slavery and colonization used primarily for wealth extraction and then left at a disadvantage, to suffer. Many of which are still suffering from the lingering negatives effects of European slavery and colonization.

Reparation is about the equitable redistribution of stolen wealth back to the countries where such wealth was unfairly extracted. It does not matter the colour of skin or genetic makeup of the people living in these territories. What matters is that countries like Jamaica was unfairly used and abused, suffered greatly under a cruel and Inhumane system that extracted all its wealth and was left with nothing, to suffer for hundreds of years to come.  Reparation is about returning wealth and uplifting countries left at a disadvantage, out of poverty. Slavery and colonisation left more than half the planet at a huge disadvantage and has given certain countries and races the clear advantage. 

Reparations Must be to Countries not Individuals:
If you give individual black people reparations, then white people will become rich. Black people take pride spending most of their income on ostentatious goods and services produce and sold by white people. Countries like Jamaica take pride importing goods from first world developed countries. The makers of Clarks, Gucci and Hennessy would get richer as a result. Black woman would be walking around with the most expensive imported weave. If you give some black people a million dollars on Thursday, they would have no money by Monday morning.

Reparation does not have to mean direct big money payouts to individuals but finding ways to re-balance the scales on a national level. So that countries that are at a disadvantage because of this disgusting system can break free from the shackles of poverty. As such when we talk about reparations we are talking about reparations to countries on a whole and not individuals lining up to get easy money handouts or what the "anti-reparationist" like to describe as lazy, freeloading black people looking for easy money.

Reparation MUST be Nation Building:
Reparations can take several forms such as Debt Forgiveness or Direct Investment or Preferential Trade Agreements as well as subsidies. In fact, anything that could help to re-balance the scale and ease the burden can be regarded as reparations and a comprehensive reparation plan would be the way forward. Reparations must be a game changer. 
  • Reparations must result in More schools and increase education for all Jamaicans. 
  • Reparations must result in Infrastructure development.
  • Reparations must result in Redesign and development of our Water harvesting, storage, and distribution
  • Reparations must result in New Hospitals and better healthcare for all
  • Reparations must result in the development of Reliable Renewable Energy infrastructure.  
Just to name a few:

Imagine if we wake up tomorrow and Jamaica's National Debt was ZERO! All that money spent servicing the National debt could go towards Nation Building, investing in human development and the human capital. It must benefit the entire Nation equally. 


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