From Commonwealth to Global Britain/British Empire 2.0

This Global Britain/Empire 2.0 fantasy is undesirable and self-defeating. This history makes the goal of rediscovering Britain’s role as “a great, global trading nation” not only a shameful approach to international trade post-Brexit but also counterproductive. Why would former colonies embrace a Britain that not only refuses to atone for its colonial sins but worse still, envisions its future as “Empire 2.0”?

Soon a white man will be King of the Black and Brown Commonwealth. Bending the Knee to King Charles? I would rather death!

During the Brexit movement the British declared their intentions of creating an Empire 2.0 with the former Commonwealth countries. This simply says the British intends to once again to organize their ex-colonial countries into serving and support British interest at the expense of their very own interest. Before the British can start this Commonwealth reorganization process, they must first put in place, at various management levels of the Commonwealth people they can manipulate into doing their biddings. Minions who are Culturally Conditioned and Stewed to Subjugated Perfection to serve their purpose. In this current Jamaican Government and Foreign Affairs Minister Kamina Johnson Smith, they found the perfect specimens for the job. This reminds me of how HYDRA infiltrated SHIELDS and rebuild itself from within SHIELD. (Sorry but the geek in me could not resist)

Brexit-Britain wants to remove Commonwealth Secretary Baroness Patricia Scotland because Scotland was attorney general under Gordon Brown, and the timing of the UK’s objections are said to be linked to her politics and whether they will stand in the way as the British Government forges ahead with setting up a new Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office to implement the "Global Britain" Agenda, which likely to give a central role to the Commonwealth. So, what is this central role? The British have never does anything fair and balance when it comes to Black and Brown people. 

Based on our Colonial History with the UK, I am always very suspicious when these Colonial Overlords endorse anyone from the former colonies. Because historically the UK always endorse puppet people they can control, pulling their strings from behind, and giving this Jamaican Government's track record of being in full compliance with and subjugated by the Western White World Order, while getting nothing back in the return. This UK endorsement does not fill me with any confidence. Just look at how Jamaicans who are stewed to colonial perfection jump around happy like a pig in slop, in total glee, father Christmas come, just because of the endorsement from Boris Johnson, Mr. black Piccaninnies with Watermelon Smiles Johnson. Have you no shame! When it comes to the British, I have no trust in them. At no time during our 350 years of colonial involvement with the British did they fill be with any trust. My instincts, my Spidey Sense, based on 350 years of Slavery, Colonial oppression and wealth extraction is going crazy. Then again look how easy we fall back in line. 

The Masterclass Tactics of Divide and Rule: 
One must look at how the UK approach individual African countries for a trade deal and one realize quickly that Africa MUST unite and deal with the world as a block. The White Western World Order does not negotiate with Black and brown countries they dictate and issue threats. Because they have the power to get other White Western World Order countries to help them, they always win. Meanwhile black and brown countries have a crab in a barrel type relationship. We are happy when we see a White Western World Order country beating up another black and brown country because we think if they fail, maybe we will be selected for the deal instead, they will throw us a bone.  White countries work together, black, and brown countries work against each other.

For many academics, economists, activists and workers across the Global South, trade liberalisation that favours Northern countries like the UK are one facet of economic domination and control, in concert with debt regimes and IMF-imposed structural adjustment measures. These ensure that the relationships between European countries and their former colonies in the Global South are of continued expropriation and dependence.

  • Jamaica seizes PDVSA refinery shares
  • Jamaica Voted to suspend Venezuela at the Organization of American States
  • Jamaica was party to a recent Caribbean Community (Caricom) consensus endorsing the re-election of Baroness Scotland then break ranks and reneged 

Global Britain and the Narrative of Empire
Since 2016, the UK government has outlined plans for ‘Global Britain’ as a framework for post-Brexit foreign policy. Some criticise the idea as a vision of ‘Empire 2.0’, but it is rarely made clear exactly what form it takes or what its wider political implications are. This article argues that Global Britain constitutes not just an idea or a slogan, but a foreign policy narrative and, more specifically, the narrative of empire. Indeed, to appear reasonable its grand ambitions require pre-existing knowledges of past imperial ‘successes’ and accepting images of empire among the British public. Yet Global Britain lacks efficacy: as a domestic rather than an international narrative, by being inherently regressive in its worldview, and for contradicting the preferences of international partners on which the UK heavily relies. These narrative flaws, it is argued, make Global Britain an actively problematic, rather than merely ineffective, component of UK foreign policy.

Boris Johnson’s attempt to unseat a Labour peer from the role of the Commonwealth secretary general has failed, in another blow to his credibility. Number 10 had been working behind the scenes for nearly two years to remove Patricia Scotland, claiming that she had failed to modernise the institution after nearly six years in the job.

A meeting deciding whether to replace Lady Scotland with Jamaica’s foreign minister, Kamina Johnson Smith, who was supported by the UK government, ran over by several hours as leaders struggled to reach a verdict.

Yearning for Empire
Brexit’s ‘Global Britain’: UK needs a clear economic strategy for its trading future, not a dead colonial fantasy. The Global Britain vision embraces the idea of trading with the Commonwealth as an alternative to trading with the EU. 

Global Britain appears to be more of a neo-colonial fantasy. Rather than being motivated by a clear economic rationale, the project is largely motivated by a nostalgia for the UK’s imperial past evident in the language used by the Brexiteers in the last few years – for example UKIP’s James Carver assertion that, outside the EU, “the world is our oyster, and the Commonwealth remains that precious pearl within”.


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