The Future of the National Housing Trust

I remember when the National Housing Trust was created. I understood its mandate at the time of its creation and understood why it was needed in post-colonial Jamaica. Home ownership was very low in a country where most of the population lived in the low-income category. It is the same reason why the Government at the time introduced free education because we had a high illiteracy rate. The objective was to reverse rapidly, over 300 years of colonial wrongs in the shortest time. The Government of the day decided that social engineering and social develop was a requirement. So it was created as a tool to fix a certain problem.

Many of us at the time lived in poverty, one can say that most of us are only two or three generation out of abject poverty and my mother’s side of my family is no exception. Over the decades, 11 children with substandard education, who lived in a two-room board house that was full of holes, with no electricity, running water or indoor plumbing. When they moved the house was placed on the back of a flatbed truck and moved to a new location. I witnessed many of my family members getting access to low-income starter homes via the NHT. Their first concrete structure, with electricity, running water and indoor plumbing and each time one acquired a home we would all be invited over for dinner.

In those days the NHT worked with poor people, these days they operate as if they are in competition with Jamaica Money Market Brokers and only want to deal with the high end of society. The original mandate of the National Housing Trust is no longer being followed. The National Housing Trust was never really created for people living in the upper income category. In fact, the wealthier you are the less you will need the National Housing Trust, in its original context. So, I can understand why people who are no longer living in poverty, do not see the need for it to exist. 

I agree Mr. Prime Minister, the NHT is not welfare but it was created to be close to welfare. A tool for social engineering and development. To provide cheap, low income housing to low income families. The hard working poor, who are the most vulnerable amongst us and deserve a break. 

What you are doing now Mr. Prime Minister is engaging in Poverty Porn. You are using poor people as political props for your legacy. You are building one, one house with tax payers money and then take pictures handing over keys as if you are some Benevolent Welfare God!

Much of the sophisticated financial structures that exist today in Jamaica did not exist back them. It was difficult, almost impossible for poor people to get access to funding, especially with the high illiteracy rates at the time. These days we have arrived, it seems. So, one cannot judge the old NHT by todays standards because it is a different animal now. Maybe the National Housing Trust outlived its original mandate, maybe the people have no more use for it. If that is the case, then dissolve it, give the people back their money and stop withdrawing it from their incomes as a tax. I am not one to keep something around that is no longer serving the needs of the people, I am not that nostalgic. That would be like throwing pearls before swine.


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