
Showing posts from 2022

The British Empire, Colonialism and Turmeric Tories

The UK is still running on wealth generated and extracted from Colonization and Slavery. Just imagine, from India alone the UK extracted about $45 trillion during the period 1765 to 1938. All over the Empire the UK was able to extract enormous amount of wealth, importing resources on the cheap, over 250 years of free slave labour, while exporting finished products from the UK, on the high. Slavery and Colonization was like fuel to the Industrialization of the UK and why it became the biggest economy in the world. In 1870 around quarter of the global Manufacturing output was in the UK. Cambridge University - The estimates suggest that these trades grew substantially over the period, reaching a magnitude equivalent to about 11% of the British economy by the early nineteenth century What did invasion, conquering, subjugating, genocidal murder, slavery and colonization mean for European and their descendants? For Europeans and their descendants , Slavery was to wealth, what the Big Bang wa...

Dollar Store Cheese-In-A-Can Costs $48 🇯🇲 Spice Bun & Tastee Cheese, Bul...


WOKEISM - The Weaponization of WOKE

Throughout the history of humanity, on every continent and in every country, human beings have always fought for human rights in one form or another. This fighting predates the made-up weaponized concept of Woke. What we have done is to roll up everything we have been fighting for into one overused and reused word, “Woke”!  Replacing the things, we are fighting for with just one word, is dangerous and defeating. No longer do people feel the need to address the elephant in the room, they no longer need to address everything individually, they can now reject everything with the use of one single word, “Woke”.  An opponent can get up and declare enough of this “Woke Shit” , but they would never get up and declare enough about racial or gender equality shit. They no longer need to be diplomatic in how they promote their bigotry or misogynism, because they now roll it up into the word "Woke" and they can express their hate for everything progressive by expressing their hate fo...

Caribbean Coat of Arms And Their Meanings

One of the main reasons why Colonization was so successful was that the British successfully sowed the seed of division and discontent within a country and between countries. The British feared real unity and only wanted unity under the crown. For hundreds of years this disunity was allowed to fester and encouraged to grow because the more we are divided, the more control the British had over us. From a young age, I learned this disunity, between people, between parishes, and countries. My grandmother for example, hated people from the Parish of St. Thomas in Jamaica and disliked Trinidadians, as she declared both are not to be trusted. In fact, I cannot remember her speaking highly of any other Caribbean Island. For a long time, I also lived what I learned.  It is safe to say Caribbean countries have an inherited dislike for each other because we only seem to speak about each other in negative terms.  Most but not all, Trinidadian love to list everything that is wrong with be...

The Brexit effect: how leaving the EU hit the UK | FT Film

Between 2021 and 2023, monthly data showed a 27% drop in UK exports and a 32% drop in imports to and from the EU, compared to how things would have been had Brexit not happened, according to the Aston report.

Two Times Clare Daly Has Called On Europe To Stop Exploiting Africa | God ...

It is delusional and weak minded to think the White Western World Order will act in the best interest of Africa or any Brown and Black countries. At what time in our over 400 years of blood-soaked history with these people did they ever have our best interest at heart? If we are waiting for them to save us from ourselves and from them then we will continue to fail .  None but ourselves, can free our mind.  Africa must unite and become a force to be reckoned with. The future of Black people globally can only come out of Africa. It cannot come from the Black American or Black Britain. Nor can it come from the Caribbean because we are too small and too poor. Africa must unite, Africa must grow up and Africa must defend its position and people or else we will fail. Globally black people must unite around Mother Africa! I LOVE THIS WOMAN!!

Jamaica, Land of No Accountability - To Hell with the Law

Squatters Ville - The Dread at the Control I firmly believe that no one should be above the law of the land. I believe that everyone should be held accountable. I believe that every class of people we have in Jamaica should respect the law, each other and live according to the law of the land. I believe the rich, poor, and the political class should be held accountable whenever they break the law, no exceptions. I firmly believe that if we live by these principles then we will be on our way in creating a more egalitarian and just society.  What is very clear, is that I am on my own in this belief, since it is obvious that a lot of Jamaicans do not think the laws and rules of the land should apply to them. They should be able to do whatever they want, and no one should try and hold them accountable. In fact if you demand accountability with regard to the law of the land, you are accused of being colonial. Our future look dark! I saw a couple acres of flat beautiful land up in the Bl...



Jamaica Eyes a Break from Monarchy


Barbados and the IMF Amuses Jamaicans?

The other day, the media published an article stating that Barbados will be going to the IMF for a loan. Many Jamaicans jumped on the post declaring that Barbados going to the IMF was a result of Barbados becoming a Republic. In fact, my fellow countrymen were overjoyed that the Republic of Barbados was already looking like a failure for going to the IMF. Some even tagged the Jamaican Prime Minister telling him to remain a Constitutional Monarchy and not become a republic. Barbados: History of Lending Commitments as of May 31, 2020 To many Jamaicans, a country going to the IMF is a sign of failure and Barbados was now to be ridiculed. All this was confusing to me because, Barbados had only gone to the IMF a total 3 time in their history (1982, 1992, 2018) and all 3 times, occurred when Barbados was a Constitutional Monarchy, and the Queen of the Monarchy of Barbados was Head of State. Jamaica: History of Lending Commitments as of July 31, 2017 On the other hand, Jamaica as a Constitu...

Who is Responsible for Nation Building Jamaica?

It is that time of the year again, Emancipation and Independence, known locally as “ EmanciPendence ”.  A time of Hyper-Merriment and Festivities!  This independence is different from previous. It is our 60 th  year of independence (Semi-Independence), our Diamond Jubilee. It is also that time of the year when Jamaicans start to ask the question, why are we celebrating and what are we celebrating? While playing the blame game, identifying who is responsibility for Jamaica not achieving its full potentials. The usual target of their wrath are the members of the Political Class, who really are just a subset of the people. If the politicians are useless, worthless and corrupt, then they came from useless, worthless and corrupt people. If they are suppose to represent the best if us, then "dawg nyam we suppa".  The problem with Jamaica, is that it is inhabited by greedy, selfish non-progressive Jamaicans who are of low quality and ungovernable. If the water in the well ...

Top 10 Most Educated Caribbean Countries And Best Caribbean Universities


What the Fuck happened to Hip-Hop? (Also Dancehall)


Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce MAKES HISTORY with 5th World title, championship...

br> The Commentator worth listening to

Unbelievable Clip EXPOSES US Foreign Policy


Gary Younge DESTROYS America's Gun Obsession

Worth the Watch These people are armed to the teeth

Weaponized Constitution, Courts and the People

Growing up in Jamaica, we were brainwashed into believing the USA system of Government, Constitution and laws was superior to any other system on planet earth. The average Jamaican knows more about the US Constitution and Bill of Right than they do about the Jamaican Constitution. It is not uncommon for them in a debate to quote the US constitution as if it was the Jamaican Constitution. The average Jamaica does not know one line of the Jamaican Constitution.  Imagine my shock and awe on finding out it is just as dysfunctional as most and more dysfunctional than some. Americans love to make their system of Government sound mystical and magical. Something unique and above all the rest. Like a self-aware and self-governing Artificial Intelligence that protects the biggest idiots from themselves. I remember a friend of mine describing the US Supreme Court as if it was controlled by super intelligent, omnipotent and omniscience beings, who were all knowing, Guardians of Freedom and Dem...

Reverse Middle Passage - Rwanda Buying Black People

In any discussion on slavery and reparation with the British, the British love to highlight that the slave trade was facilitated by Black Africans, capturing and selling other Black Africans to white slavers. I am neither going to support or deny that narrative because I do not know the circumstances surrounding their decision to take part. If it was done, did they do it out of greed or fear? A bunch of heavily armed white people turn up at your village and demanding you or the people in the other tribe, then the human survival instinct kicks in.    However, the recent news that Rwanda will be paid to take refugees already in the UK, off British hands filled me with disappointment. If the British were right then Africans who use to sell other Africans to the British, are now buying Africans and middle easterners from the British. A kind of reverse middle passage. Denmark also has a deal with Rwanda to take refugees. So, Rwanda is trying to make a profit trading in human souls...

Stephen Marley - Made In Africa ft. Wale, The Cast of Fela

Lyrics [Verse 1: Stephen Marley] Educate yourselves, of Africa To liberate yourself, Africa Keep your heads up high No more will we cry Eeeeyh Our history that they stole, Africa Is written in our souls, Africa Oldest nation on this earth Know just what you worth Well well Ships that sail to distant places Robbed us of our rights and worth History says that you've betrayed us Talking of the Gods you serve Hear the rambling in the sky Tears that our forefathers cry And today we're still in chains Take the shackle from our minds You're the cornerstone The king upon the throne How beautiful are thou, Africa All nation have to bow, Africa Don't you fall from grace You're that secret place Aye! Aye-ah-aye! [Verse 2: Wale] Power to the people, Motherland representa I'm on trial with the man she my co-defendant And I demand her attention, can you focus women? I'm getting closer to the sky errytime I hit it Haile Selassie I, "Power of the Trinity" Soul mad...

Jamaica's Narcissistic and Self-Serving Politicians

There was a time when Jamaica would honor our nation builders long after their contribution to nation building. As a nation we would look back on their contributions, evaluate the historical facts and decided if they were worth honoring. Leaving it up to future generations to decide if their body of work and their names are worth remembering. So, they could use them as nation building role models for generations to come. Today’s generation of politicians are narcissistic, entitled and self-serving just like the people they serve. They are consumed by their own self-importance and self-interest and are not about to let future generations be the of judge them. By defining their legacy by their actions and contribution to Nation Building. They are very happy pinning the medal on their own chest and patting themselves on the back. The current Jamaica Labour party Government is no exception. They are moving at great speed, slapping their names on everything in Jamaica that is nailed down....

The Future of the National Housing Trust

I remember when the National Housing Trust was created. I understood its mandate at the time of its creation and understood why it was needed in post-colonial Jamaica. Home ownership was very low in a country where most of the population lived in the low-income category. It is the same reason why the Government at the time introduced free education because we had a high illiteracy rate. The objective was to reverse rapidly, over 300 years of colonial wrongs in the shortest time. The Government of the day decided that social engineering and social develop was a requirement. So it was created as a tool to fix a certain problem. Many of us at the time lived in poverty, one can say that most of us are only two or three generation out of abject poverty and my mother’s side of my family is no exception. Over the decades, 11 children with substandard education, who lived in a two-room board house that was full of holes, with no electricity, running water or indoor plumbing. When they moved t...

The Future of Reggae Music?

In the simplest terms, the one drop is defined by the lack of the always-expected kick drum on beat 1 (hence the name - the 1 is dropped) and the emphasis in the bar moving to beat 3, with simultaneous kick and sidestick or snare hits. With just that in place, the feel is immediately transformed. What is Reggae music? Is it how a person sounds while riding the rhythm. That Jamaican accent, with our unique dialect, or terminologies? Is it the music, that distinctive Jamaican reggae beat? You know that combination of sweet-sounding roots and culture, drum, and bass rhythm. Allowing the DJ to ride the chune like a cool Caribbean breeze at Christmas, blowing over mountains and through valleys.  I normally say to people that, lyrically, reggae is message music, with progressive, forward thinking, revolutionary uplifting messages and as such, anything that delivers this progressive, forward thinking, revolutionary message can be regarded as reggae. But reggae is not wording alone, it is...