The British Empire, Colonialism and Turmeric Tories

The UK is still running on wealth generated and extracted from Colonization and Slavery. Just imagine, from India alone the UK extracted about $45 trillion during the period 1765 to 1938. All over the Empire the UK was able to extract enormous amount of wealth, importing resources on the cheap, over 250 years of free slave labour, while exporting finished products from the UK, on the high. Slavery and Colonization was like fuel to the Industrialization of the UK and why it became the biggest economy in the world. In 1870 around quarter of the global Manufacturing output was in the UK. Cambridge University - The estimates suggest that these trades grew substantially over the period, reaching a magnitude equivalent to about 11% of the British economy by the early nineteenth century What did invasion, conquering, subjugating, genocidal murder, slavery and colonization mean for European and their descendants? For Europeans and their descendants , Slavery was to wealth, what the Big Bang wa...